(The Treasure of Learning)


1-4. It is prayed that the exalted union of Sri (Lakshmi) and Sripati (Viñëu) which is brightened by love for the purpose of great prosperity of the universe may bestow unlimited good the people who are attached to the ancient tradition.

Shri Rama Dayalu has written this work for the benefit of his brothers son and to enable him to learn and be proficient in the various facets of astrology, namely Prasna, Jama, Varshaphal, Adhana, and for good of the world. The treatise is based on principles and ideas propounded by the learned men in the past.

One who knows astrology should carefully work out his calculations according to the principles laid down by Aryabhatt to arrive at the exact number of ghatikas elapsed since last sunrise at any given time, the total period of any required day should be substracted from the maximum length of the day in the year. The figure so arrived at be multiplied by 7 and the product divided by 5. the quotient will be the length of the shadow (cast by a 12 inch stick) at mid day of the locality.

On the given day the length of the shadow indicated by the 12 inches stick is known as Ishtema. Ten may be added to it and then from the figure so arrived at, we may subtract the total length of the shadow at noon on the day. The remainder will be the divisor required. The figure to be divided by this divisor will be arrived at by multiplying the length of the required day by

After such a division the quotient will represent the number of Ghaties that have elapsed since last sunrise or to elapse for the next sun set.

5. Take the difference between the maximum duration of the day for the locality and the length of the day in question and subtract from this 1/16th part. 1/8th of the figure arrived at may then be subtracted from 1. To the result may be added 1/12th of the length of the shadow at the given time. This will be the divisor. Then we may divide half the length of particular day by this divisor. The quotient will indicate the number of ghaties that have elapsed since last sun-rise or to elapse till the next sunset as the case may be.

6-10.The time between one sunrise and the next sunrise (which is supposed to be near about 60 ghaties) consists of 21,600 breaths or pranas. One ghati is made of 360 breaths. The time taken to pronounce ten long syllables is one prana, and six pranas make one vinadee or vighati. Sixty vighaties or palas make one ghati

To enable us to know the exact number of ghaties etc., that have elapsed at any required time at night, the following method should be followed: 1) Count the star that is seventh from the star occupied by Sun; 2) Count the star that is rising in the East, and 3) Count the star that is exactly over your head. Then subtract 1 from (1), 15 from (2) and 8 from (3). Then we may multiply the three figures arrived at in the manner indicated above, separately by the number of ghaties representing one half of the duration of the given night and divide the results by 7. The number so becoming available in each case will be the same in each case and will be the ghaties etc. required.

There is another method of ascertaining the same information as mentioned in the previous sloka. From the longitude (Rasi, degrees, minutes etc.) of the star just over your head, subtract the longitude of the Sun. The result should be converted into degrees. If that exceeds 90, subtract 90. The remainder may then be divided by 6. The method of calculating this, is also given in the authors work named Khet Prakash.

If we calculate the exact number of degrees still to lapse in the Ascendant (Lagna) and also the degrees of the Moon in the Rasi occupied by the Moon and add 240 to the sum of these two. we will get the number of days falling between Adhana and Janma.

If the longitude of the Moon (chandra spast) at Adhana be the same as of the Lagna at birth, or if the longitude of the Moon at birth be the same as the longitude of Adhana Lagna, we may accept the time of birth as correct. If there is any difference the exact time of birth could be rectified by suitable adjustments by the rule of three method in the intervening days.

The author gives another method for rectifying the time of birth. If there are planets on both sides (2nd and 12th) of a Bhava be it a Kendra, Panaphara or Apoklima, we may calculate the difference between the longitude of these two planets and (a) subtract half of the difference from the longitude of the planet in the second Bhava, and (b) add the difference to the longitude of the planet in the twelfth Bhava. By doing so the longitudes of the planets in the 2nd and the 12th Bhava will become identical.

11-14. When the longitudes of the two Bhavas mentioned in sloka 11 be equal, the time of birth should be located there alone. If there is diference in the longitudes (Bhava spast) suitable alterations may be made by the rule of three process to fix the correct time of birth.

Another method to correct the Ishtkala at birth is as under Note the Parva Tithi i.e. Amavasya or Poornamasi just previous to the birth and work out the Lagna, Amsa etc. at the end of the Parva Tithi. Then we should make note of the following planets: 1) Lord of Lagna at birth, 2) Lord of Lagna at the end of Parva Tithi, 3) The planet presiding over that part of the day or night, 4) The lord of the Hora or hour at which the Parva Tithi ended, and 5) Lord of the Rasi occupied by a) The Sun at a day birth or b) The Moon at a night birth. Leaving off the Rasis occupied by the strongest of these five, if the Ansa I rim) of the strongest planet be the same as that of the Lagna Navamsa, or with that of the 10th, that will be the correct time required.

The effects of various Bbavas and planets in a birth chart can be assessed properly only after working out (the longitudes) of the Lagos, other Bhavas and their Sandhis, and of the planets. The true positions (longitudes) of the planets can be easily calculated with the help of an almanac of the concerned period.

15-16. The Isht-kala of the planets as of own in the almanac is known as Mishra-mana. If the Mjshra-mana (week day, ghaties, pala) is in advance of th e Ishtakala of birth (week day, ghaties, pala), then such week day ghaties, pala, may be deducted from the former. The remainder would be subtractive. If the Ishtkala, of birth is in advance of the Mishramana, its week day, ghaties, pala etc. may be deducted from the week day, ghaties etc. of the former. The remainder would be additive.The remainder in days, ghaties etc. may be reduced to palas and multiplied by the rate (in minutes) of the motion given for the planets in question and divided by 3600. The quotient would be additive in case the planetary position relates to a period prior to the required time, and subtractive when the said period is subsequent to the one under consideration.

If a planet is in retrograde motion the process outlined in the previous sloka should be reversed in order to work out its position. In the case of Mandi its position on the several week from Sunday will be worked out by a Process of subtraction of 4 ghaties from each day (and finding the Lagna at the time), thus Sunday 26, Monday 22, Tuesday 18 and so on.

Find out the sayan longitude of Sun as counted from the equinoctial point is Aries 0, by adding ayanamsa lo its nirayan longitude. Then note in which sign is it posited. Take the portion of that sign still to be traversed by Sun. Also find out thy time of traversing it. Subtract it from the time of epoch. Note the number of signs passed in full from sunrise till then by deducting one by one the time taken by different signs to rise above the horizon. [Here the author presupposes that the Astrologer has at hand the Table of Houses and the rising time of different Lagnas or Ascendants for that place and that day].Ultimately the Astrologer arrives at a rough or (Ashuddha) sign which cannot be further subtrached. Note the remainder, Using the Law of Three, i.e multiplying this time by 30 palas and dividing by the rising period of that sign in palas, the Bhukha or the elasped portion of that sign can be ascertained in degrees and minutes. Add to this the preceding signs reckoned from the equinoctial point i.e., Aries 0 and subtract ayanamsa from the Sun. The remainder is the (nirayan) longitude of the Ascendant.

This sloka gives the process by which the lagna is to be calculated for birth at night. We first note the actual time that has elapsed since last sunrise. The Dinmana or the length of the day is then subtracted from the total time that has elapsed since the last sunrise. If we add six signs to the position of Sun at last sunrise, we will get the position of the Sun at the sunset before birth. This is to be shown in degrees etc. The interval the portion that has elapsed since sunset and the birth time in ghaties etc. should be converted into distance by a process similar to the one mentioned iv the previous sloka but in a reverse manner.

In order to find out the exact position of the 10th house (Dasham Lagna) it is necessary to explain what Nata is. It is to be calcuked after knowing the exact time of birth. According to some learneds Nata is of four varieties, while others say that there are two kinds of Nata and two kinds of Unnata.

According to astronomers Unnata is measured from the nadir while Nata from mid-heaven. They both represent the interval between the planet concerned (here in this case, the Sun) and the Meridian. The astronomers are also of the opinion that Unnata is also of four varieties.

According to the opinion of these if the birth takes place at night six signs are added to the Sayan Sun (sayan longitude). If the birth takes place at day, no such addition is called for. The Nata (which even of the four varieties it may happen to be) should be converted into degree, minutes etc., by the same process which is adopted for working out the Lagna, but with this difference that the rates of several rising periods should be those obtaining at the Equator, by the process of addition or substraction its the case may be in order to calculate the correct position (of the mid-point or mid-heaven. But Kesava and others have expressed the view that tlic 10th house should be calculated from the Nata.

According to one school of thought the longitude of the 10th hcuse should be calculated as follows: if it is day birth we should note where the longitude of the place cuts the zodiac into two visible halves of about three signs each, one in the East and other in the West, and this intersecting is the mid-point or the centre of the 10th house and may be calculated from the Nata or meridian distance of the Sun at the time – East or West. Acording to the other view the Sun has to be fixed in the other half of the zodiac by the addition of six more signs and the position of the Nadir (or the Bhava-madhya of the 4th house) should be calculated through the Nata (and Unnata) or meridian distance between this point and this new (imaginary) Sun.

There is yet another method of working out the Bhava Madhya of the 10th house. The time intervening between the exact position of the Sun at birth and mid night in ghaties should be noted. The mid night should be taken as Ishta kala and its exact position in ghaties should be converted into degrees at rates (of rising periods of the several Rasis) obtaining at the Equator the result with the exact position of the fourth house. By adding six signs to this we will get the position of the 10th house.

After having calculated the position of Lagna and the 10th house, we may proceed to find out the positions of the other Bhavas. If we add six signs to the longitude of the 10th house we will get the longitude of the 4th house. Similarly by adding six signs to the Lagna we will get the longitude of the 7th house. If we deduct the longitude of Lagna from that of the 4th house and divide it by 3, this 1/3 portion when added to the longitude of Lagna, will get us the longitude of the second house (or Bhava). In the same manner deduct the longitude of the 4th house from that of the 7th house and add 3rd of the difference to the longitude of the 4th house. The result will be the longitude of the 5th house

Again if one third of the first and second remainders is respectively addtd to the longitude of the 2nd and 5th houses, we will get the longitudes of the 3rd and the 6th houses. Thus, it has been shown how the position (longitudes or Bhavas past) of the first six Bhavas (houses) has to be calculated. A half of two adjacent bhavas is called their Sandhi. The longitudes (Bhavas past) of other six Bhavas and their Sandhis may be obtained by the addition of six signs to each of the several Bhavas and Sandhies already obtained.

We should multiply the Nata ghaties, pala etc., to obtain the linear distance between the Sun and the mid-point in degrees etc. For calculating the position of the mid-heaven (10th house), the above distance in degrees may be deducted from the longitude of the Sun when the Nata is eastern and add the same when the Nata is in the west. However, the author considers this method as approximate. Just as in the case of the Sun, we may find out the distance in degrees etc., between the position of Sayana Lagna and the mid-night point (4th house). By suitable addition, the Sandhi next to the Lagna, the 2nd Bhava, its next Sandhi, the 3rd Bhava etc., can be obtained.

The difference (in degrees) between a planet and its nearest Sandhi multiplied by 20 and divided by the distance (in degrees) between the longitude of the Bhava and of its Sandhi represent the measure of effect (caused by the planet) in terms of unit of 1/20th portion. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Jupiter arc respectively the lords of the signs from Mesha onwards and also of their Amsas.

The first Navamsa in the several signs from Mesha onwards begins respectively from Mesha, Kataka, Thula and Makara. The exaltation rasis of the various planets are as under: Sun-Mesha, Moon-Vrishabh, Mars-Makara, Mercury-Kanya, Jupiter-Kataka, Venus-Meenn; and Saturn-Thula. The highest exaltation points are : Sun-Mesha 10 degrees, Moon-Vrishabh 3 degrees, Mars-Makara 28 degrees, Mercury-Kanya 15 degrees, Jupiter-Kataka 5 degrees, Venus-Meena 27 degrees, Saturn-Thula 20 degrees.The debilitation points are:-Sun-Thula (lowest debilitation point 10 degrees), Moon-Vrischika (lowest debilitation point 3 degrees), Mars-Kataka (lowest debilitation point 28 degrees), Mercury-Meena (lowest debilitation point 15 degrees), Jupiter-Makara (lowest debilitation point 5 degrees), Venus-Kanya (lowest debilitation point 27 degrees), Saturn–Mesha (lowest debilitation point 20 degrees).

Rahus exaltation sign is Mithuna, and Kanya is his own house (or swakshetra). The exaltation sign of Ketu is Dhanus and Meena is his swakshetra (own house). But according to some Vrischika is the exaltation sign of Rahu and Kumbha that of Ketu. In an even sign the Horas or halves belong respectively to the Moon and the Sun, and in an odd sign to the Sun and the Moon.

One third of a Rasi is called Drekkana. Each Drekkana is made of 10 degrees. The lor of first Drekkana is the owner of the sign ilself, the second Drekkana belongs to the owner of the 5th Rasi and the third Drekkana belongs to the owner of the 9th Rasi. A Dwadasamsa (or 1/12th of a sign) is made of 2 スth degrees and is counted from lhe sign itself e.g. from Mesha to Meena and from Vrishabh to Mesha and so on, and the lords of these signs own the Dwadasamsa. The Trimsamsas (1/30th position of a sign) allotted in an odd sign to Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are respectively 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5 degrees.

In an even sign Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars have 5, 7, 8, 5 and 5 degrees, respectively. Thus the six vargas have been described. The friends of the several planets from Sun onwards are respectively (1) Jupiter (2) Jupiter, and Mercury. (3) Mercury and Venus, (4) the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, (5) the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, (6) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn and (7) Mercury Jupiter and Venus. The rest are enemies.

33-35. Saturn and Venus arc enemies of the Sun. Mercury is neutral to him and Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are his friends. This is their natural relationship. Mercury and the Sun are friends of the Moon. The other planets are neutrals. The Sun, the Moon and Jupiter are friends of Mars. Mercury is his enemy and Venus and Saturn are neutrals. The Sun and Venus are friends of Mercury. Moon is his enemy and the rest arc neutrals. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are friends of Jupiter. Mercury and Venus are his enemies and Saturn is neutral to him. Mercury and Saturn are friends of Venus. Mars and Jupiter arc neutral to him and the Sun and the Moon are his enemies. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. Jupiter is neutral to him and the Sun, the Moon and Mars are his enemies. The natural relationship described above is in accordance with the view expressed by Satyacharya.

Planets posited or planets in three adjacent houses of planet are his temporary friends, or friends for the time being.

There are eight conditions of a planet as described below: 1) When a planet is in his sign of exaltation he is said to Deepta. 2) When a planet is in his own sign he is said to be Swastha or in healthy condition. 3) He is said to be Hrishtha or in happy condition when he is in the sign of a friend. 4) When a planet is in benefic varga he is to be in Shatru condition. 5) When a planet. has got bright rays, he is said to be in Shakta condition. 6) When a planet is eclipsed during the proximity with the Sun, he is said to be in Vilupta condition. 7) A planet is Deena or in poor condition when, he is posited in his sign of debilitation. 8) A planet is Peedita or troubled condition when, he has been defeated in planetary war or hc is posited between malefics.

The results of the various conditions of the Planers Will be in accordance with those conditions and their relative intensity being dependant on their strength etc. In an odd sign planet is said to be in infancy when he has advanced the first six degrees; he would be in his boyhood when he is in 6-12; he would be young(v) if he is in 13-18; he would be in old age if he is in 19-24; he would be Nasta when he is between 25-30. In an even sign, these divisions are counted in the reverse order.

The second half of Dhanus, the forepart of Makara, Mesha, Vrishabh and Simha are called quadruped signs. Kataka, Meena and the second portion of Makara are watery signs. The sign Vrischika is like a scorpion. Kanya, Thula, Mithuna and Kumbha are bipeds

.40. Mesha, Vrishabh, Mithuna, Kataka, Makara and Dhanus are strong at night. These rasis excluding Mithuna rise with their back. The remaining signs excluding Meena rise with their faces. Meena is called an Ubhayodaya Rasi.

The 180 portion or half of the Zodiac beginning from Lagna, that is, still to rise till the end of 7th Bhava is the invisible half. The remaining 180 is the visible half. The Eastern portion of the Zodiac comprises 180 from the 10th house, to the 4th house (nadir). The Western half of 180 begins from the nadir (4ih house) and ends at mid heaven, that is, the tenth house.

Thus ends the Sanketa on Definitions in Sanketanidhi, a work composed by Shri Rama Dayalu, the Astrologer. for the benefit of his elder brothers son Shri Ghasi Ram.


If in the chart prepared at the time of conception or query, and also the Navamsa chart Ascendant, Jupiter, Moon and Sun are posited in odd signs the birth of amale child should be predicted. If in even signs the birth of a female issue is to be predicted.

5th or the 7th sign from the position of Moon in the query chart or the chart prepared for the time of conception, would be the Janma Rasi (the sign occupied by Moon) in the birth chart. 5th or the 7th sign from Navamsa of the query lagna (Ascendant) or conception Lagna could alos be Janma Rasi in the birth chart. Actually the delivery is likely to take place when Moon in transit passes through Navamsa owned by Adhana (conception) or Prasna (query) Lagna, whichever is stronger, or when Moon transits the sign owned by strongest of the planets owning Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa and Trimsamsa occupied by Moon.

3-5. When Sun is posited in qudruped sign in conception or query chart and remaining planet are strongly placed in dual signs, birth of twins would take place.If malefics be not aspected by benefits, or be at the junction of two signs or in even signs and be associated with Moon the child born would be stupid.

If the malefics be posited at the function of signs and Moon be in Taurus (exaltation sign of the Moon) aspected by a malefic, the native would be dumb or mute. If Moon and Sun be in Leo and be aspected by malefics, the native born would be sightless or blind.

If malefics be posited in malefic signs (i.e. signs owned by malefic planets) which are 5th, 7th or 9th from Sun, the father of the native at the time of birth would be under restraint (may be in prison). If Sun be in a moveable sign, such restraint would be in a foreign country, if in a fixed sign in the home country and if in a dual sign the restraint would be at a place falling on the way, to the homeland. The direction of the place would be in accordance with sign occupied by Sun. If Moon be posited in the last portion or en-point of a sign and ascendat not aspected by Moon, the birth of the child would take place during absence of the father from the place of birth.

6. If Moon does not aspect Ascendant, be posited between Mercury and Venus, Saturn be in Ascendant and Mars in 7th, the father would be away at the time of birth. taken place soon after his birth. If Sun and Venus aspected by Mars be posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the father of the child would not be alive at the time of his birth.

7. It should be predicted that the father of the child had died before his birth, if Sun and Venus be in a moveable sign and be associated with or aspected by Mars.If there be malefics in 12th and 2nd houses from the Ascendant and the Lord of Ascendant being weak, be in 9th or 4th house, it can be said that the father of the native was very sick at the time of native’s birth.

8. If the birth takes place at night and Saturn associated with a malefic, be in 5th or 9th house from Moon, the mother of the native would die at the time of his birth. If the birth takes place during day time and Mars be in trine to Venus, the mother would die at the time of birth of the native. If in case of night birth, Mars be associated with Saturn in a moveable sign, it is to be understood that the death of the father had already occurred in a place away from the place of birth.

9. The same would happen, if Saturn and Mars be conjoined with Sun in a moveable sign. If malefics occupy Ascendant, 7th, 8th and 12th it should be understood that the death of the mother of the native had taken place soon after his birth. If 7th, 8th and 9th houses from Ascendant be occupjed by malefics, it should be predicted that both mother and child would die soon after the birth of the latter. If all the malefics occupy 6th and 12th houses from Ascendant and Moon, the mother would survive but the child would die soon after birth. If malefics occupy Ascendant Moon sign, 7th and 8th houses from Ascendant or Moon, the child born would survive but the mother would die soon after his birth.

10. The number of female attendants in the delivery room would be equal to the number of planets posited between Ascendant and Moon. The number of female attendants outside the delivery room would be equal to the number of planets on the left side of Ascendant (visible half) and the number of such persons inside the delivery room would be equal to planets posited on the right side of Ascendant (invisible half). If these planets be benefits, the lady attendants would be of superior class. They would belong to low class if such planets be malefics. The left or the visible half begins from the portion of the 7th house still to set and extends to the rising portion of first house; the other half of the Zodiac is called “invisible”.

11. In this Sloka some more clues have been given to find out the number of female attendants. If in the visible half referred to in the previous Sloka there be any retrograde planet or planets in their signs of exaltation, the number of attendants would be thrice the number of such planets. If planets be in their own sign, Navamsa Drekkana etc. the number of attendants would be twice the number of such planets. If there be planets which are combust, or m their sign of debilitation or in inimical signs or trik houses (6th, 8th or 12th), the number of attendants would be half of the number of such planets. If Ascendant is Aries or Pisces the number of attendants would be two. In the case of Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Virgo or Gemini Ascendants the number of attendants would be three. In Taurus or Aquarius, Ascendants the number of attendants would be four. In case of Cancer or Sagittarius Ascendant, the number of attendants would be five.

12. In this Sloka the author tells that the direction of the delivery room should be determined by the sign of Ascendant at birth. If the rising sign or Ascendant be Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio or Aquarius, the delivery room would be in the Eastern portion of the house. If Ascendant be Leo or Capricorn, the room would be to the Southern side of the house, If Ascendant be Taurus the room would be in the Western portion of the house. If Ascendant be owned by Mercury or Jupiter, the delivery room would be to the Northern side of the house. The four pairs of moveablt and fixed signs beginning with Aries represent the East and other principal directions in which the bed of the lady concerned is placed in the room. The four dual signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, signify the four intermediate points, namely, SE., SW, NW. and NE. Or the direction may correspond to that denoted by the sign occupied by Rahu.

13. When Ascendant is Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus or Leo, the child would cry loudly after the birth. His cries would be of subdued nature when Ascendant be Virgo or Aquarius. There would be no cries at all if Ascendant falls in other signs. The birth would take place on an bare ground if Ascendant falls in any of the following signs viz. Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio or Aries.

14. The two front legs of the cot in the delivery room are represented by 3rd and 12th houses. 3rd represents the right leg and 12th the left leg. The hind legs are represented by 6th and 9th houses-the 6th representing the right and 9th the left leg. 4th and 5th houses represent the right side of the intral portion of the cot and 10th and 11th houses the left side. The portions of the cot would be defective if there be malefics in houses representing them.

15. The planets posited in quadrants according to their strength indicate the door of the delivery room. When there be more then one planet in quadrants the door should be found by the the strongest amongst them. If there be no planet, the position of the door is to be ascertained by the sign occupied by Ascendant. The head and other parts of the cot would be in the direction indicated by Ascendant. The strongest planet aspecting Ascendant would indicate the clothes, worn, food taken etc.

16. This Sloka deals with particulars of the lamp in the delivery room. Moon determines the oil in the lamp, Sun indicates whether the lamp is of a moveable nature or fixed one. Ascendant tells us about the wick in the lamp. The lamp would be moveable if Sun occupies a moveable sign. The lamp would be of fixed type if Sun occupies a fixed sign. The sign occupied by Sun would also indicate the position of the lamp on or near the cot.

17. If Sun be posited in a dual sign, the lamp would be placed at the position indicated by the sign and it would be flickering. Moons Drekkana 1st, 2nd or 3rd, or Moons fullness or otherwise, would indicate the quantity of oil in the lamp. We can also ascertain the portion of the wick that has been learnt from the condition of Moon mentioned above.

18-19. If Moon be in Ascendant, 6th or 8th house, the lamp would be without oil at the time of birth. If Moon be in 2nd house or Saturn be in 10th house, the lamp would contain oil.From Sun is ascertained the position of the lamp. If Sun be between Ascendant and Moon, the lamp would contain ghee. It would contain oil if there be Saturn between Ascendant and Moon.

20-21. There would be a number of lamps in the delivery room at the time of birth if a strong Sun be aspected by Saturn and Mars. If the above disposition be not present and instead, there be a strong planet in 12th house there would be light from hay fire. The structure of the building containing the delivery room Would be flimsy and made mostly of wood if Sun be strong in the Chart. The delivery room would be: (a) a new one if Moon be strong. (b) attractive and pleasant if Venus be strong, (c) very beautiful and artistic and decorated with pictures, if Mercury he strong. (d) a burnt one if Mars be strong. (e) old and renovated if Saturn be strong. (f) strong and durable if Jupiter be strong by beillg in its own sign on Navamsa. (g) double storied or with two halls if Jupiter lie in a dual sign (h) three storyed or with three halls if the Jupiter be posited in Sagittarius (i) many storied if Jupiter be at his highest exaltation point in Cancer.

22. Which metal would be in prominence may be ascertained from the strength of Sun etc. Copper, Chandrakanta mani (Moonstone) gold, alloy of metals, silver, pearls, iron would be in prominence if Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are respectively strong in the chart (birth or query chart). If Sun or Moon be strong, the child would possess the nature and qualities of his father and mother respectively. If Sun be strong at birth, the, qualities of the child born would be in accordance with planet in whose Trimsamsa Sun be posited

.23. The natives appearance would correspond to the lord of rising Navamsa, or it would be according to planet which is most powerful at birth. His Complexion would be in accordance with the lord of Navamsa, occupied by Moon

24. Mars and Saturn be posited in Ascendant of a person, there would be abortion or miscarriage to his wife. If the native of the chart be a female she would herself suffer from abortion. Abortion would also take place if Moon aspects or is associated with the above two planets.

25. Planets which are significators for father and mother during day-birth or night-birth give full effect, if the birth occurs at the beginning of the day or the night as the case may be. The effect would be moderate if birth takes place in the middle portion while it would be very light if the birth takes place at the close of the day or night. This rule applies in effects good or bad produced by two pairs of significators planets as well.

26. Various parts of the human body are represented by 36 dccanates into which the Zodiac is divided. If any particular decanate be occupied by a benefic planet, there would be a mole, in the corresponding part of the body. If any decanate is occupied by a malefic, there would be an ulcer or wound is the corresponding part of the body, If four planets, including Mercury, be posited in any Part or drekkana of the Kalapurusha there would be a mole or like in that part. Similar result would accrue if a sign or house be occupied by Sun-Moon, jointly.

27-28. A proficient astrologer should find out all about ones body from Ascendant. All about wealth and happiness should be examined from Hora-Lagna. Happiness etc. of relations should be ascertained from Drekkana Lagna, children from the Saptamsa-Lagna, wifes happiness etc. from the Navamsa-Lagna, about the parents from Dwadasamsa-Lagna, about ones cherished desires from Trimsamsa-Lagna. All these details may be also be ascertained from Natal Ascendant.

29. Matters relating to natives father should be ascertained from 9th and 10th houses from Sun, those relating to mother from 4th house from Moon, those relating to brothers from 3rd house from Mars, those relating to maternal uncle and his children from 4th house reckoned from Mercury and those relating to children from 5th house from Jupiter.

30. Matters relating to ones wife may be ascertained from 7th house reckoned from Venus and information regarding perpetuation or extruction of ones family may be obtained by examining 8th house from Saturn. It is very necessary that in all above cases, conclusions be arrived at after carefully taking into account the strength of the particular house, of the planet from which it is reckoned and of the planet owning the house in question. Only after such examination and after having full devotion to God the astrologer should make predictions about the prosperity or otherwise of the particular relation.

31-Thus comes to close the 2nd Sanketa entitled Prasuti (birth) of Sanketanidhi, a work authored by Rama Dayalu the Astrologer, for the benefit of Shri Ghasi Ram son of his eldest brother (Shri Vazir Chandra Sharma) so that he gains proficiency in Astrology.Thus ends the 2nd Sanketa on birth, in the work Sanketanidhi


1. The child would die immediately after birth if the birth takes place at twilight an hour before or after sunset and malefics be posited in the last portions of the signs. If Moon be posited in a quadrant and other three quadrants be occupied by malefics, the child would die immediately after birth. The same would happen if there be malefics in 1st and 7th houses, or these houses be hemmed in between malefics.

2. The child would die soon after birth if there be a malefic each in Ascendant aad 7th house and Moon be also associated with a malefic planet without receiving any benefic aspect.

3. If Moon be placed in 6th, or 8th house and Rahu is the 4th, the child would die immediately after birth. The remedial measure would be to worship the Lord. If there be a malefic planet in a quadrant neutralising the above adverse effect, even then, the death would take place within a year. If Mars be posited in Jupiters sign and Jupiter be in the sign of Mars, death would take place within eleven years.

4. If Moon associated with a malefic be posited in 1st, 7th, 8th or 12th house without receiving the aspect of a benefic planet placed in a house other than a quadrant the child would die soon after birth. When the birth takes place during day in dark half of a month, Moon even if placed in 6th or 8th house and aspected by malefics, would not kill the child. When the birth takes place at night during bright half of a month, Moon in the same position and aspected by benefics would protect the child.

5. The new-born child would die soon if: a) Sun and Moon be in Ascendant and be not associated with or aspected by benefics. b) if strong malefics occupy 5th, 8th and 9th, houses; c) if Saturn, Sun, Moon and Mars occupy respectively 12th, 9th,, 1st and 8th houses. The child would be saved if these combinations be aspected by a strong Jupiter (our view is that in this disposition of planets, a strong Jupiter placed in 5th, 7th or 9th house could save the child from death), and d) if Moon be badly placed (this could mean placement in the sign of debilitation or an inimical sign or if it be a new Moon), in 5th, Yth, 8th, 7th. 12th or 1st house and be devoid of benefic aspect.

6. The newly born child would die soon after birth if Moon be placed in 6th or 8th house and aspected by malefic planets. If, however, Moon gets the benefit of benefic aspect, the child would remain alive up-to eight years. If Moon in such position be aspected both by benetic and malefic planets, the child would live up to four lears. The child would live for one year if a malefic planet in an enemy sign, occupies 8th house aspected by a malefic. If the malefic aspects Sun placed in a quadrant, the child would live for 10 or 16 years.

7. If Sun and Moon be associated with Saturn, the child would live upto nine years. The longevity would be of one month if all the malefics be placed in 6th and 8th. The child would die in the 4th year, if Mercury be placed in Cancer in 6th or the 8th house and be aspected by a malefic Moon. If Sun, Venus and Saturn be all associated with
malefics, the death of child will take place soon after his birth

.8. The child would die soon after birth if Sun be posited in the sign of Mars or Saturn and Jupiter placed in 10th be aspected by malefics. The child and the the mother would die if malefics posited in the 7th an 8th be aspected by malefics and get no benefic aspect.

9-10. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon be posited in 8th house in conjunction wjth the lord of Ascendant aspected by malefics, the child would die in four months. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon be in 7th house conjoined by a malefic and the lord of Ascendant received malefic aspects, the child would die within eighth months. If Jupiter placed in 8th house be aspected by all the malefics, without receiving any benefic aspect, he would be in a position of inflicting harm to the child. In other words the child would have very poor longevity. If Jupiter posited thus be in the sign of Mars the evil would be still more severe. If retrograde Saturn in a quadrant or 8th or 6th house owned by Mars the child would in all probabilities die in three years.

11 and 12. The following dispositions of planet are not favourable for the longevity of the newly born infants: 1) Saturn occupying 8th house from Ascendant; 2) Son in his sign of debilitation being posited in 5th or 9th house. 3) Mars in 8th or Mercury aspected by a strong malefic in 6th or 8th house cause death within four years. 4) Mercury in the sign of Moon, i.e. Cancer, and posited in 6th or 8th house aspected by Moon, also causes death within four years. 5) Venus posited in Cancer or Leo aspected by benefics from 6th , 8th or 12th house and also aspected by strong malefics allows the child to survive for six years. But when Ketu be rising in Ascendant the child would die immediately after birth.

13. If a Pasha or Pakshi decanate be rising and be occupied by malefic5 the child
would die in 7th year. If malefics occupy the trine houses and be not aspected by benefics, and benefics be all posited in 6th and 8th houses (and they be further aspected by malefics), the child would die in 8th Year.

14. If them be a malefic in Ascendant or 7th house, the lord of Ascendant be aspected by or associated with a malefic and Moon be in Ascendant, the child would live for seven years. If the lord of the sign occupied by Moon and the lord of Ascendant together be posited in 6th, 8th, 12th, or 7th house, the longevity of the child in years would be equal to the number of the sign occupied by Moon. If Moon be in Gemini or Virgo and be associated with Sun and Mars without aspect of benefics the longevity of the child would be nine years.

16. If in a horoscope Mars be in its sign of debilitation or be posited in the 8th and Sun in its debiliation sign be posited in a trine, the native would be stupid and unhappy and would live on alms.

17. Planets placed in the last degree of the signs contribute very little to the longevity of the native. But if a planet be in his exaltation sign, own sign or a friendly sign he would contribute a good number of years to his longevity.

18. If Ascendant be Aries or Scorpio and Saturn be associated with a malefic is in Leo, the arms of the native would be amputated. If Saturn be in 6th house aspected by inimicals planets the native would lose his hands as well as feet.

19. The learneds say that if Moon conjoined with three malefics be in the 6th house and be aspected by malefics without receiving any benefic aspect, the native would injure his eyes. If Mars, Rahu and Saturn be in 8th house the native would 1ose his nose. If Moon and Saturn being in Cancer be placed in 8th house without aspect of a benefic, the native would injure his feet.

20. If a malefic planet be in the sign of another malefic planet, and aspected by Rahu and Saturn as malefics, Moon in conjunction with a malefic be aspected by Sun, Mars and Saturn, the native born with such dispositions would kill barren cows and the Brahmins (the priestly class). If there be three or more malefics in a sign, the native born with such dispositions would remain sickly. In such a combination Sun should be treated as a malefic only when it is not in conjunction with Venus.

21. If Rahu be in his own sign Virgo and Mars, Mercury and Venus together be placed in 10th house the fortune and ill-luck would only be momentary for the native. (They would not be long-lasting). If there be male&s in 2nd, 3rd and 7th houses and a weak Jupiter be posited in 5th house, the native would be a man of objectionable character.

22. If there be malefics in 4th, 12th and 10th houses, the native would leave his place of birth and roam about from place to place, becoming a cause of anxiety for his parents. If all the planets occupy 9th, 5th and 4th houses, the native would lose his earlier-born children, but issues from the second and third wives would remain alive.

23. If Mars be in 6th house, Rahu in 7th house and Saturn in 8th house, the native would lose his partner and become dependant on others. If at birth, Ascendant Tithi (lunar date) and day (or the night) be at their last portion and if the rising Navamsa be a moveable one, the native would be the last issue of his parents. He would not have younger brothers or sisters.

24. If Sun be in 7th, Mars in 10th and Rahu in 12th house, the native would lose his parents. If in this combination (i.e. with Sun in 7th and Mars in 10th), Rahu and Jupiter are placed in 6t,h, 1st or 4th house, the parents of the native would die within 24 Years of his age and the native would be held responsible for it.

25. If malefics be posited in their own signs in 1st, 4th and 10th houses, the native would earn his livelihood with great dificulfy. Even if there be aspect of benefic planets of malefics the native would not give up his evil disposition but would continue to indulge in sinful acts.

26. If Sun, Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter be in Ascendant, 6th or 5th house, the child born under such disposition would bring adverse effects to the parents. If there be malefics in 10th, 3rd, 7th and 12th houses, the child born under this combination would always be sulrering from some kind of trouble in the body.

27. If Saturn be in Ascendant, Moon in 6th house and Mercury in the 7th house, these dispositions would cause destruction of father. If all malefics be posited in quadrants (1, 4, 7, 10), 2nd house and in trines (5, 9) they would bring ruin to the entire family and make the native very poor.

28. If Saturn be in 2nd house, Jupiter in Ascendant, Rahu in 3rd house, these dispositions would prove disastrous for the mother. The result would be the same when Saturn, Rahu, Venus and Mars occupy respectively Taurus, Gemini Virgo and Leo.

29. If Rahu, Sun, Venus, Saturn and Mercury be in second house, the father would die before the birth of the child. These dispositions in the birth chart of the child are also not auspicious for the longevity of the mother. If Saturn be in Aquarius, Moon in Aries, Sun in 12th house and Venus in Capricorn the child would not enjoy the wealth of his father.

30. If Mars in its own sign conjoined with Mercury and Venus, aspects 10th house, the native would get very meagre reward for his efforts. If Rahu be in 3rd house, and Mercury with Jupiter in the 2nd, the native would have three brothers.

31. If Mars be in 7th, Sun in 9th and Venus in 8th house, the native would be short-lived. If Venus be in 2nd house, Moon in Ascendant, Sun and Mercury in 12th and Rahu in 5th house, the native may be imprisoned for involvement in murder cases.

32. If Mars and Saturn be in 2nd house and Rahu in 3rd, the native would lose his brother. If Saturn and Moon be in 9th house, the wife of the native would be of loose character. If there be similar disposition of planets in a womans birth chart, her husband would be of immoral character.

33. If Sun be posited in Pisces in 12th house, he would cause trouble to the right eye of the native. The left eye would be affected if Moon be in the same position. If Mars or Venus be eclipsed by Sun in 5th house, the native would, in all probabilitv, be one eyed.

34. If Ascendant be Leo with Venus posited therein and Saturn be in Cancer, the native would suffer from eye trouble. If Mars, Saturn, Moon and Sun occupy in any nativity 2nd, 12th, 6th and 8th houses respectively, the native would lose his eye-sight through a disease caused by the strongest among them.

35. If there be a malefic in 10th house from Sun and the lord of 10th house as well as that occupied by Sun be afllicted on account of association with or aspect by malefics, these dispositions in a nativity would bring disaster to the father of the native. If Moon be hemmed in between malefics, if there be malefics in 4th and 7th house from Moon and Moon be weak also, such disposition would be distressing (or troublesome) for the mother of the native. the native. Similarly if there be malefics in third house from Mars and if Similarly if there be malefics in third house from Mars and if that house, its lord and Mars be not well-placed owing to their that house, its lord and Mars be not well-placed owing to their being in debilitation, inimical houses, etc., these dispositions being in debilitation, inimical houses, etc., these dispositions would, give adverse results to the natives brothers and his valour would, give adverse results to the natives brothers and his valour would also be affected.

36. If there be malefics in sixth house reckoned from Mercury be in debilitation and week, and the lord of 6th from Mercury be in an inauspicious house, the native would bring distress to his maternal uncles family by either causing its extinction other serious trouble.If Jupiter be in its debilitation or inimical sign, 5th house from occupied by malefics, and if the lords of 5th house (both from Ascendant and Jupiter) be not well-placed, the native would not derive any happiness from his children (there may be no child) and he may have to adopt a child.In the the same way, we should consider from Venus the welfare etc. of the wife-whether 7th house from Venus has malefics or not, or wether the lords of 7th house from Ascendant or from Venus are happily placed or not. If the dispositions be good, there would be happiness, otherwise conjugal relationship may cause trouble in domestic life. The natives longevity should be considered from Saturn. If strong malefics be placed in 8th house from Saturn and the lord of the said house be also inauspiciously placed, this disposition would lead to early death of the native.

37. If 5th house be well-placed in a nativity, that is, it be occupied or aspected by its own lord or by a benefit planet possessing several kinds of strength, the happiness of the children of the native would be assured. If the lord of Ascendant be posited in Ascendant, 2nd or 5th house, the first issue would be a son. If the lord of Ascendant be in 4th house, the native would get first a son and then a daughter, or first a daughter and then a son.

38. If the lord of 3rd house be in Ascendant, 2nd, 12th, 3rd or 5th house, the native would not get happiness from his children (another interpretation is that in such a disposition of the planets, the children of the native would be deprived of happiness). If the sign of 5th house be owned by Jupiter, i.e., if it be Sagittarius or Pisces the native would lose his first issue, but if that sign or house be aspected or occupied by its own lord, the native would get happiness in respect of children (that is, he would be blessed with children).

39. If Jupiter and Venus be in their debilitation signs Sun in an odd sign and Mercury in an even sign, no issue would be born to the native by his own efforts. If Moon in Cancer be associated with or aspected by malefics, and Sun be aspected by Saturn, the native would get a son in his old age.

40. If Ascendant falls in a sign owned by a malefic Planet, malefic be placed in Ascendant, Sun be in Scorpio and Mars in a dual sign, the native is likely to get an issue in the middle period of his life. If Ascendant be occupied by Mercury and Saturn, and Jupiter be associated with Venus, the combination is not likely to give any issue to the native.

41. If 3rd, l0th, 4th, 7th, 2nd, 9th and 11th houses be occupied by planets in their signs of debilitation, and 6th, 8th and 12th houses be occupied by planets in their signs of exaltation, such disposition of planets and houses would not prove auspicious for the native in the matter of children. If 3rd house from Ascendant be occupied by Mercury, the native would get two sons and three daughters. If a strong Jupiter be posited in 3rd house, the native would be blessed with five sons.

42. If Moon associated with Rahu be in 3rd house, the native would not have much wealth. He would have no brother or sister as well. If Saturn and Moon be together in 3rd house, the native would be of dark complexion and he would have no brothers. If 3rd or 5th house be occupied by Mars, the native would not get any son. If a strong Venus be posited in 7th, the native would be blessed with good children.

43. The following dispositions in a nativity are not auspicious for getting issues: 1) The lord of 5th house occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house and is weak-no issues. 2) The lord of 5th house reckoned from Jupiter is in the same position-no issues. 3) Sun and Venus are in 5th-no issues. 4) Saturn and Rahu are posited in 5th aspected by malefics-no issues. The above combinations would cause loss of children as a consequence of the curse or wrath of the family deity. The worship of the deity should bc resorted to ward oli the evil.

44. If the childlessness be due to evil influence of Mercury or Venus, it has to be remedied by propitiating God Shiva. In other cases the remedial measures would be as follow: 1) The evil influence of Moon and Jupiter through herbs, proper talisman and mantras. 2) The evil influence of Rahu-by performing the marriage of a girl. 3) The evil influence of Ketu should be neutralised by gifting a cow to a Brahmin.4) To remove the evil influence of Saturn and Mars the remedy would be to sprinkle holy water on God Shiva.

45. For warding off evil influence of Sun the native should attentively and with devotion listen to the recitation of Harivamsa Purana. If the childlessness is due to evil influence of all the plailets in equal degree, it should be removed by the recitation of “Santana Gopal Mantra”. If fasts are observed properly for Sun and Mars, there would be progeny; the same would be assured if the Kamavrata observed properly (that is, according to procedure prescribed for it).

46. The author now describes some good combinations. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury be placed in Ascendant, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer or Virgo, or if they be posited separately each in a single sign (e.g. Venus in Pisces or Libra, Jupiter in Pisces, Sagittarius or Cancer, Mercury in Gemini or Virgo and if these planets be free from (a) association with or aspect by malefics, (b) association with debilitated or eclipsed planets, they would produce auspicious or favourabie results. If Mars be in 10th house, Saturn and Moon be in Ascendant, Jupiter and Sun occupy two trims the native would become a king. For such combination Aries should be taken as Ascendant.

47. If Ascendant falls in a moveable sign, there be a planet in it, and other planets be in 3rd house and quadrants in their signs of exaltation, such a combination would bestow the native kingship. If the four quadrants be occupied by benefics and malefics be posited in 6th and 12th houses, the native would become a king with all the royal paraphernelia and fame.

48. If Ascendant or Moon be in vargottama (that is, if they occupy the same sign both in the birth chart and Navamsa) and receive aspects from four or more planets other than Moon, such a disposition would lead to Rajayogas (bestowing of kingship or honour). Again if Ascendant be in vargottama and bcnefics be placed in second house from Moon, if quadrants be occupied by strong planets, the native would become a king.

49. If Saturn be in Aquarius, Sun in Aries, Moon in Taurus and one of these signs be Ascendant, this combination would give birth to a king. If Mercury, Mars and Jupiter respectively bein Gemini, Scorpio and Leo, another rajayoga occurs, a third rajayoga would be formed when Moon is associated with Mars in an auspicious sign as Ascendant (suc as Peisces or Aries).

50. Four kinds of Rajayogas, combinations conferring kingship of the native, are described in this sloka: 1) If Moon be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (This can happen with Taurus as Ascendant). 2) If Saturn be exalted and occupies Ascendant and if Mercury and Sun be in Virgo, Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries and Jupiter in Cancer. (Ascendants in this case would be Libra). 3) Ascendant be Taurus, Sun and Moon be in Sagittarius and Mars be in exaltation that is in Capricorn. (4) Five or more planets be in their exaltation signs and strong. (The Sun and Mercury cannot be in their exaltation signs simultaneously).

51. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Aries with Sun in it (i.e. in exaltation), Moon with Saturn be in 7th house (here Saturn would be exalted conjoined with full Moon and Jupiter be in Sagittarius. 2) Moon be in third, mars in 6th, Mercury in 9th, Jupiter in 12th houses and Saturn be in Capricorn which is the Ascendant also.

52. Three Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant be Taurus with Moon in it (in exaltation), Sun be in 4th (in Leo), Jupiter in 7th and Saturn in 10th, house (Aquarius). 2) Pisces Ascendant and Venus be posited in it (in exaltation) and Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius (10th house) and Mars be in the first portion of its exaltation sign (Capricorn). 3) Virgo be Ascendant and Mercury be posited third (in exaltation), Jupiter be in conjunction with Moon in Sagittarius and Mars be in first portion of Capricorn (its sign of exaltation).

53. Four Rajayogas we described in this sloka. 1) Virgo Ascendant, Mercury in the Ascendant (in exaltation), Jupiter, Venus and Moon in 4th (Sagittarius) and Mars and Saturn in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Ascendant Pisces, Moon in Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Sun in Leo and Mars in Capricorn (its sign of exaltation). 3) Ascendant Aries, Mars in Ascendant and Jupiter in Cancer (its sign of exaltation). (4) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in its sign of exaltation) and Mars in Aries (in 10th house in its own sign).

54. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: 1) Ascendant Cancer, Jupiter in Ascendant (in exaltation), Moon, Venus and Mercury in 11th house (Moon in exaltation and Venus in its own house), and Sun in Aries (in exaltation). 2) Ascendant in 1st half of Capricorn, Saturn in Ascendant (own sign), Mars in Aries (own sign), Moon in Cancer (own sign) Sun in Leo (own sign), Mercury in Gemini (own sign) and Venus in Libra (own sign).

55. Two Rajayogas are described in this sloka: The first Yoga has the power to confer kingship upon the native and the other makes the native wealthy: 1) Ascendant Virgo, lvfercury in Ascendant (in exaltation), Venus in 10th house, Moon and Jupiter in 7th (Sagittarius) and Saturn arid Mars in 5th house (Capricorn). 2) Moon in 10th, Saturn in 11th, Jupiter in 1st, Mercury and Mars in 2nd and Sun and Venus in 4th house.

56. Four auspicious combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) If there be a planet in its sign of exaltation but not combust, the native would become equal to king. 2) If Sun and Jupiter occupy 5th house from Ascendant the native nould become wealthy and well-versed in Shastras. 3) If a strong Mercury (that is, not in proximity to Sun and also otherwise strong) be posited in Ascendant and lord of second house occupies a quadrant, the native would perform good and meritorious deeds. 4) If there be a malelic planet in 6th house and a benefic in a quadrant, the person concerned would become wealthy and learned.

57. Two good combinations have been described in this sloka: 1) When Rahu together with Mars, Saturn and Venus be placed in Virgo, the native would become wealthy. 2) If debilitated planets (i.e. planets posited in their signs of debilitation) be placed in 11th, 10th, 2nd and 3rd houses from Ascendant, the native would become a king.

58. When two planets-one lord of a quadrant: one lord of a quadrant and the other lord of a trine unafllicted by association or aspect of malefics become mutually related, then they prove very auspicious and make the native prosperous. The mutual relationship takes place as under: 1) Each occupying the others house (exchange of houses). 2) Being together in a quadrant or trine. trine. 3) One being posited in a quadrant while the other in a 4) Being together in a single house. 5) Mutual aspect. 6) One aspecting the other. The effect of this combination would be at its best if the planets involved be lords of 9th and 10th houses.Thus end the Prakeerna or the miscellaneous Sanketa, the 3rd of Sanketanidhi, a work written by Shri Rama Dayalu, the astrologer, for the benefit of Shri Ghasi Ram Sharma, the son of his elder brother, so that he may become proficient in Astrology.


1. This chapter describes in short the effects of different houses in a chart. These effects may be due to occupation, ownership, aspect etc., of various planets in the said house whether reckoned from Ascendant or from Moon. The contents in this chapter have been taken from other existing works on Astrology. If all the planets aspect the Ascendant or Moon, a powerful Rajayoga is formed.

2. The following matters should be judged from 1st house or Ascendant appearance of the native, his complexion, vitality, proportion of different parts of his body, spots, caste, rank, happiness, misery, head, body, mothers father, fathers mother.

3. If in a nativity benefics be in 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Ascendant or Moon, and there be no association with or aspect of malefics on them, the native would be long-lived and ruler of a mighty kingdom. Benefics in Ascendant are always beneficial to the native while malefics in that house cause untoward effects.

4. If there be a strong benefic in Ascendant the native would be of heavy build. If Moon be in Ascendant and be associated with or aspected by a malefic, the native would suffer from cold, indigestion etc. If a malefic planet occupies first half of Ascendant, the native would have some trouble in the left side of the forehead. If a malefic be posited in the other half, the trouble would be in that part.

5. A malefic in Ascendant gives a wound. in the head. If Moon be in Ascendant, the native is likely to get some trouble from water. If Mars be the owner of Ascendant, the native would look youngish even in old age. If there is Mercury in Ascendant, the native would be of childish (also witty) nature.

6-7. If Sun and Mars are posited in Ascendant, there would be a red spot or mark in the part of the body signified by the sign of Ascendant. Similarly if Rahu and Saturn are posited in Ascendant there would be black spot in that part of the body signified by, the sign of Ascendant. If Jupiter be posited in his own sign in Ascendant, the mode of speaking would be sweet and soft and he would eat sumptuous meals. If Mercury be occupying Ascendant in its own sign, the native would like food of astringent flavour. If Venus be placed similarly together with Moon, the native would have taste for pungent and acidy foods. If similar position be occupied by Rahu and Saturn or Ketu and Saturn, the native would be fond of very pungent things like black pepper. If Ascendant be occupied by Sun and Mars or by Mars and Saturn, the native would be arrogant, proud, of nasty nature and fond of acrid things.

8. The native would be long-lived if the lord of Ascendant be a benefic and strong and benefics be placed in Ascendant. He would be short-lived if there be malefics in Ascendant. If Mars and Sun be posited in Ascendant, the native would be greedy. If Ascendant be in a malefic sign (i.e. sign owned by a malefic) and Moon and Jupiter are also associated with malefics, the native would become a victim of diseases of the head.End of 1st House


9. The second house is called Dhana bhava or the house of wealth. The other objects that concern this house are family (it is also called Kutumba bhava), treasury, eyes, face, speech, selling and buying, gold, pearls, silver etc.

10. If the lords of Ascendant and 2nd house be placed in the 2nd house along with benefics, the native would derive all good effects of this house. If the second house be associated with or aspected by powerful benefics, the native would get lot of wealth and would be sweet and soft in speech. If Mercury aspected by Moon be in the 2nd house the native would be poor.

11. If there be waning Moon in the 2nd house and be aspected by Mercury, there would be destruction or loss of wealth. If there be Venus in the 2nd house and be aspected by Mercury there would be gain or acquisition of wealth. If Sun he posited in the 2nd house, the native would get marks or signs of diseases on his body. If Sun in the second house be aspected by a female planet (Moon or Venus), the native would possess harsh speech and would not be rich.

12. If Sun with Mercury be in the 2nd house, the native would be clever in serving others. His wealth would not be stable and would remain in control of the relative or person indicated by house of the planet associated with Sun in the second house (i.e. Mercury), for example, if Taurus be Ascendant, Mercury being lord of 5th house which is in a female sign Virgo, native would be controlled by his daughter.

13. If the planet so associated be a female planet happening to be the lord of third house, the wealth would be in control of the natives sister. If the associating planet be the lord of 4th the wealth should he in control of the mother, while if the associating planet be the lord of 6th, the wealth should he in control of the maternal uncle. If Rahu be in second house, the native would suffer from dental troubler. If Moon occupies the second house the native would suffer from high fever affecting the brain.

14. If a malefic along with Venus be posited in second house, the native would either be without sight in one of his eyes or his eyes would have some other defect (like squint etc.). This disposition would also cause defect in his speech (stammering). If Venus or Mars be in 2nd or 12th house, the native would suffer from ear troubles. If Moon be in such position, the native would have eye-troubles.

15. If a powerful Jupiter or a powerful Mercury be posited in 2nd house, the native would be a great orator and his speech would be sweet and soft. If Ketu is in 2nd, the native would have a long face. If a planet alongwith his enemy planet occupies 2nd house, the Person concerned would die on account of some disease of the mouth.

16. If Moon be in 2nd, the native would have to face danger from water. If Saturn and Rahu be in 2nd alongwith female planets, the native would squander away all his wealth through his association with low-caste people, prostitutes, singers and the like.

17. If the lord of 2nd house and Mars, both posited in 2nd house be weak, the wealth of the native would be lost through enemies, fire or the king (government). If Mars be in second house along with a malefic, the native would lose his wife on account of blood-poisoning, or by injury from a weapon.End of 2nd House


18. The 3rd house deals with following subjects Arms of the native, his nature, mothers paternal uncle, fathers maternal uncle, maid servants, ear, courage, brothers.

19. If 3rd house be in a benefic sign and be aspected by a benefic, this would lead to the happiness of brothers and gain of wealth. If Saturn be posited in 3rd house and be aspected by Mars, this disposition would cause loss of brothers. If 3rd house be aspacted by Jupiter or Venus, it would cause auspicious results for brothers.

20. If Jupiter be placed in 3rd house in own sign (Sagittarius or Pisces) the brothers of the native would enjoy happiness and prosperity. If Saturn be in 3rd house, the native would be fortunate. If Rahu and Saturn be together in 3rd house, the native would suffer from some disease of nails. He would also have in his right hand a sign of injury caused by wood and would suffer from wind trouble.

21. If Mars and Sun be placed in 3rd house, the native would suffer from bone fracture. He would do cruel acts. There would be no such fracture if there be a benefic in 3rd house. The native would have as many brothers as would be Navamsas that have risen in 3rd house and aspected by Mars and Moon.

22. If Sun be posited in own sign (Leo) in 9th house (from where it folly aspects 3rd house), the native would suffer from loss of brothers. If, however, any of them survives, he would become equal to a king. If Moon aspected by malefics, be in 3rd house, the native would be deprived of all his brothers. Sun in 3rd house causes loss of elder brother, Mars causes loss of younger brother and Saturn and Rahu in the same position destroy both elder and younger brothers.

23. If Mars aspected by cruel planets (malefics), be placed in 3rd house, the native would have signs of injury from a weapon in his arm or arms. In this disposition the younger brother of the native would suffer from a disease of the throat caused by Pitta Dosha. If malefics together with their enemies bein 3rd house, the native would suffer from pain in the arms and from paralysis. His wife would be indulging in gambling excessively if Jupiter be in 3rd house.

24. If Saturn be in 7th, Rahu in 9th and Mars in 11th house, loss of brothers should be predicted. The same prediction should be made if Saturn be in 3rd and be aspected by malefics. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in 3rd house are auspicious for the prosperity of brothers. If malefics be in 3rd house, or if that house be aspected by them, there would be loss of two brothers.

25. If Moon and Saturn be in 9th and third house respectively, or if Rahu alongwith benefics be in 3rd, the native would have to bear the loss of three sisters. With this disposition moles will appear on the two arms or the belly.

26. If Venus be in 3rd house aspected by Rahu, the sister of the native would die as a result of poisoning. If Such Venus be aspected by Saturn, there would be danger from serpents. If malefics be in third house, the hearing capacity of the native would be adversely affected.End of Third House


27-28. The subjects to be considered from 4th house are – happiness, land. conveyance, a reservoir, tank, well, agricultural land, close friends, mother, chest, dwelling place etc. If 4th house be aspected by or associated with benefics and lord of 4th be posited with strength in 4th, then beneficial results would accrue from it. If a powerful Sun and Mars he posited in 4th, the native suffers from ulcers caused by excess of Pita (bile).

29. If Mars in 4th be aspected by Saturn and Rahu and Moon, mother of the native would be unchaste. Whichever planet be placed in 4th, its qualities-whether good or had, would be attributed to particular relative of the native indicated by that planet.

30. If Venus and Moon be posited in 4th, the native likes water of a tank. If Mercury be there, he would have preference for sweet water. If Jupiter be in the same position the native would like very sweet water and other edibles. If Rahu and Saturn occupy 4th house, the native would get water with a pungent and bitter taste. If Sun and Mars be there, water would be difficult to get.

31. The structure of the house of the native would depend on the planet posited in 4th. If there be more than one planet, the structure would be according to the strongest of them. With Mercury in 4th the house would be artistic, with Moon new, with Jupiter strong and durable, with Sun and Ketu flimsy, with Saturn and Rahu-old, with Venus lovely, with Mars a building affected by fire.

32. If Moon and Venus be in 4th house, the food, the flavour, the metal etc., liked by the person would be dainty food, sweet things and silver. The metals etc. would vary according to planets posited in 4th and would be gold, bell-metal, pearls, copper, decorated with gems, and iron when the occupying planet be Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars or Saturn.

33. If there be query as to the contents in the house of the native, the answer would depend on the planet posited in 4th. This has already been explained in the previous sloka. It Rahu be in 4th house, there would be bones and similar things in the house.If the query be about a missing article, and at the time of the query, Jupiter be in 4th the missing article would be in the mansion itself. In case of other planets in 4th house, the missing article would be at the places mentioned below: Mars-Fireplaces; Mercury-Places where bricks are stored; Venus and Moon-where there is water; Saturn-At a dirty place; Sun-place outside the house; Rahu-Where animals are kept. If above planets instead of being placed there, aspect 4th house, the answer would be the same.

34. In this manner effects should be delineated both in the query and birth charts. Full effects would be realised if the planets be possessed of adequate strength. If benefits be posited in 4th house, they would bring happiness to the parents of the native, the native would be pious and be a devotee of God Vishnu. It would not be so if there be malefic in 4th house.35. If there be Mars in 10th house and it aspects Sun, of the native dies after a heart attack. If 10th house be occupied by Saturn and Moon aspects it, mother dies of the same disease. In this diposition the native would also be afraid of relations and would be poor. Mars in 4th house would bring trouble from fire. Saturn in same position would give wind trouble to the native. If 4th house be inhabited by malefics, the number of children would be restricted to two or three.36. If the lord of Ascendant along with the lords of 4th and 10th houses, be in 12tb, 6th or 7th or be eclipsed on account of proximity to Sun or be otherwise weak by being posited in an enemy house or by being in its sign of debilitation, both the native and his parents would suffer badly. The effect of this combination would be hastened if the lord of Ascendant be also aspected by malefics.End of Fourth House


37. The subjects that are to be considered from 5th house are intelligence, any plan or scheme, literary works, stomach, disciples, conception, Mantra Sadhana, issues, children, worship of deities.

38. If the lord of 5th be strong and well placed in the horoscope, all auspicious results of 5th house can be expected. If the lord of 5th be weak, opposite (inauspicious) results would accrue. If a weak Sun be posited in 5th the native would have angry temperament and he would be afraid bf his enemies, he would receive injury in feet or stomach by jackals or horses.

39. If there be a weak Mars ia 5th, the native would have to face troubles from fire, weapons and poison. He would have have to suffer the loss of his children. If Moon and Rahu be in 5th the native would suffer from wind-disease, spleen trouble, and disease caused by worms.

40. If Sun be posited in 5th, the native would have a stable mind. Moon in 5th would make his mind instable (changeable). If Mars be io 5th, the native would be cruel-minded. Mercury in 5th would give him a normal temperament. Jupiter in 5tb gives the native a virtuous disposition and Venus makes him soft hearted. Rabo and Saturn in 5th make the native hard hearted. If benefics be placed in 5th, the native would have a pious mind and be intelligent. If there be malefics in that position tbe the native would get into the habit of speaking ill of the learned.

41. If a weak Moon be posited in 5th, the native would get daughters but no son. The same would be the result if there be a weak Mercury in 5th. Jupiter in 5th gives noble sons to the native and Venus gives sons who are clever and intelligent. The children destroyed before birth would be as many as there be malefic planet aspecting the Navamsas of Saturn in 5th house. No such locc would happen if such Navamsas be aspected by benefics.

42. If there be a malefic in 4th, Venus in 7th and Moon in 10th, the native would be childless. If Sun and Venus be in 5th, the children would die after birth. If 5th house be associated with or aspected by malefics, the native would have no issue (he would be childless).

43. The native would get a daughter, if 5th house be in an even Varga (Hora, Drekkana, etc.) and be associated with Saturn or Mercury and aspected by Moon and Venus. The native can get a son, if 5th house be in an odd Varga or Varga owned by Moon or Venus or aspected by these planets. But the issue can only be a daughter, if in the above case the aspecting planets be Saturn or Mercury and the house be bereft of the aspect of its lord.

44. If Saturn associated with a malefic be in 5th, the native would have no issues. If Mars associated with a malefic be posited there, natives wife would have abortinos. A weak Sun aspected by malefics causes loss of children. If a weak Rahu or Ketu be also there, the child born would grow into an undesirable person.

45. If there be benefics in 5th house or it be aspected by benefics, be in a benefic sign or Amsa, the native is likely to have good children. If 5th house be in the sign or Amsa of Saturn and be aspected by Moon, or if Saturn associated with the lord of the sign or Amsa occupied by Moon, the native would adopt a Son.

46. If Moon alongwith Mercury and Saturn be in 5th house, the native would purchase a boy and adopt him. If Saturn be aspected by Mercury or be in the sign of Mercury, and be either aspected by Sun and Mars or posited in an Amsa owned by these Planets, or he associated with a pIanet in debilitation, the native would get a son conceived by his wife through mating with another person.

47. When the disposition of 5th house assures prospects of children, there would be male issues if 5th house be aspected by male planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter) and female issues if the house be aspected by female planets (Venus, Moon). The nature, good or bad of the children, would also be in accordance with the good or bad planets aspecting 5th house. The product of the portion (in Kalas) passed in particular Navamsas (in 5th house) that are aspected and Drigbala obtained thereby would determine the number of children. The number ofchildren woold also correspond to the number of sign (counted from Aries) containing the lord of 5th house. Out of these, the number that would be destroyed, would be equal to that of the malefic and inimical planets aspectiing the lord of 5th house. Or the number of issues may be the number faced for the Sign of 5th house and, would denote the number of sons or daughters as the case may be.

49-50. If there be no strong benetic in 5th house but the lord of 5th be associated with or aspected by a malefic who is also weak, the child would suffer from a disease caused by the humour or humours of the lord of 5th or the planet aspecting or associated with it. If Sun be strong and auspicious in 5th, the native would get one to three sons. This would happen when be aspected by the lord of 5th and friendly male planets. If Moon be strong and auspiocious in 5th, the native would get three daughters. Other planets in the same position would give issues as under: Mercury four sons, Jupiter five sons, Venus four to six daughters, Saturn two daughters and one son. Generally, the number also depends on the aspect, sex. etc. of planets whether inimical or friendly, whether male or female.

51. If there be a malefic in 11th house and Venus and the Moon be in 5th, the first issue would be a daughter, and there be no hapinness to the mother. If the 5th house be strong an unafflicted and be associated with or aspected by friendly and benefic planets and the lord of 5th be a benefic and in own sign or Navamsa, the first issue is likely to be a son. The time for having an issue would be when Jupiter in his transit arrives at an odd house reckoned from its natal position.End of fifth house.


52-53 . Of several parts of the body of Kalapurusha, or time-personified, beginning with the head, the sixth is the navel and this is allotted to the sixth house. Sixth is also the house of animals. All good and bad about pet animals belonging to the native should be considered from this house. The other matters which concern 6th house are cruel actions, diseases, ears maternal uncle enemies, anxiety, suspicions. If the lord of 6th de powerful, owns a benefic sign and be associated with or aspected by benefics auspicious results may be expected from this house. The results would not be favourable if there be malefic influence on 6th house.

54 .If there be strong benefics in sixth house, the native would own good animal-wealth in the shape of cows. If strong Sun and Mars be posited in 6th house, the native would have plenty of animal wealth in the shape of camels and goats. If the remaining malefics Saturn, Rahu and Ketu be posited there, the native would possess buffaloes and would he liable to be injured through them.

55. If Saturn or Rahu be placed in 6th house, the maternal uncle of the native may remain in want of issues. Also the native or his maternal uncle would meet their end by a blow from a wooden article. stone, or through a quadruped, or by fall from a tree or through water.

56. If Sun and Mars posited in 6th be aspected by malefics, injury by weapons or fire to the maternal uncle should be predicted. If male planets possessing adequate strength be in 6th house or aspect 6th house, the maternal uncle would get a son. The issue would be a daughter if female planets be so disposed. If 6th house has benefic planets in it, there would be no happiness to brothers. If there be malefics in 3rd. there would be little happiness to the native through his brothers and sisters.

57. According to the authors the happiness or otherwise to the native from his brothers and sisters should be considered or examined from 6th house. If there be female planets in 6th house, the native would get happiness through his sisters. If male Planets be so Placed the happiness would be through brothers. The nature, form, caste, characteristics, cruel deeds. health, etc., of the enemies would be in accordance with the disposition of 6th house or its lord. Where are the spots or moles located in the body, can also be ascertained by a study of 6th house. If Rahu or Saturn be posited in this house, the native would have a black spot or mark on his buttocks.

58. If the native has no spot in his body, it would be found in the body of his wife. The native would suffer from an ulcer or wound if Sun or Mars be in 6th house. As mentioned above, the spot or mole may be found in the neck, right leg or shanks of his wife.

59. If strong Sun be in 6th. the native would destroy his enemies, but he may suffer from colic pain in the hips. If Mars alongwith Rahu be in 6th house, there would be dancer to the native from relations on his mothers side. If Sun or Mars associated with or aspected by Jupiter be in 6th house, the native would suffer from pain in half of his body. Further he is likely to get injured through horned animals or from a blow from an article made of wood.

60. The native would have maternal relations according to disposition of planets as described below: 1) Two maternal uncles if Moon be in 6th and Jupiter in 2nd house. 2) A sickly maternal uncle if Moon be posited with Mars in 6th. 3) A mothers sister, if Venus be in 6th house. If Venus be possessed of full strength there would be two or three sisters of the mother, who would be a source of happiness to the native.End of sixth house.


61. The 7th house denotes the pelvis of the native. The matters that are considered from this house are the natives partner, complaint, watershed, journey, trade or business (partnership) and paternal grandfather.

62. If there be benefics in 7th house, auspicious results would be obtained. The effects would be inauspicious or unfavorable if malefic planets be posited in that house. If Jupiter, Venus or Moon with adequate strength be posited in 7th house the complexion of the Partner of the native would be gold-like. If Mercury placed there be strong, the complexion would be dark blue. Mars there would give complexion of crimson colour. If Saturn or Rahu be there the complexion would be very dark.

63. If the planets mentioned below be with adequate strength in 7th. the results would be as given against them: Sun The wife would have had connections with other men, would be worn out and unfit for conjugal relations; Moon and Mercury Wife would be too young knowing nothing about conjugal relations. One who would have not attained young the age of puberty. Venus or Mars Wife would be in her full youth and health. Jupiter Wife would be handsome, would beget children and would possess good qualities. Saturn or Rahu Wife would appear older than her age.

64. The wife would possess qualities in accordance with planets posited in 7th house as described below: Rahu and Saturn Would not be able to produce children. In other words she would be barren. Venus and Moon Would possess all the good qualities of a female. Sun, Mars, Mercury or Jupiter Would be more of a masculine nature. If seventh house be in a benefic sign (that is, the sign owned by a benefic planet), and associated with or aspected by benefics, the native would derive happiness from his/her mother-in law.

65. If 7th house be in a Varga of Venus or be aspected by Venus, the native would have many wives to enjoy. If 7th house be in the sign of Jupiter or be aspected by Jupiter, the native would have only one wife to give him conjugal happiness. The nativess wife would be arrogant if 7th house falls in the sign of Moon, Jupiter or Venus and be aspected by Venus or Mars (even if Venus be in its sign of debilitation).

66. If Saturn and Mars be in 7th house or aspect it, the natives wife would be of unstable mind, and would be troubled by wind disease. She would have excessive blood and have marks or moles in her waist. If Moon along with Mars be posited in 7th house and be aspected by Saturn, the natives wife would die of some kind of stomach trouble. I1 Saturn and Rahu be in 7th house, the wife would die of diseases caused by water or worms or by being injured through animals, female imps or evil spirits.

67. If 7th house be inhabited by benefics the native would have normal sexual desires and satisfy them accordingly. If malefics occupy 7th house, such desires of the native may not be in the right direction. If impotent planets like Mercury be in 7th house, the native may be impotent. If Rahu be in 7th house and gets no benefic aspect, the native may have to remain unmarried. If he gets married, his wife would die soon after marriage. If, however, there be benefic influence on 7th house, the death of the natives wife may take place after some time. If Mars occupies 7th and 8th house has Saturn in it. The native would have two wives (our understanding is that the second wife would come after the death of the first in such disposition).

68. If Moon aspects 7th house, the wife of the native would be of changeable nature (in her moral behaviour). The same would be the consequence if Moon is in a Varga of Jupiter and be associated with or aspected by Mercury. If Moon is in 7th house and falls in a Varga of Saturn or Mars, and be associated with or aspected by either of these two planets, both the husband and the wife would be of loose moral character. If Venus be in any way influenced (by association or aspect) by either of these two planets, the native would give up his wife and develop illicit relations with another woman.

69. If Saturn, Moon and Mars be associated together, or there be mutual aspect amongst them, or Moon falls between Mars and Saturn, both the husband and the wife would be of loose moral character. If the lord of 7th be in Navamsa of Mercury and be also aspected by Mercury the wife of the native would behave like a prostitute.

70. There would be uo marriage for the native, if malefics be in the Ascendant, 7th. and 12th house and a waning Moon be placed in 5th in the sign of a malefic. If Sun be placed in 6th or 12th house or Ascendant, the native would marry only once. If Mars and Venus be posited in 9th, 5th or 7th, the native would have one wife only but she would have a deformed body, and low intelligence.

71. If Venus be in gandanta position (Simultaneous end of sign and constellation) or Venus be in 7th and Saturn in Ascendant, the wife of the native would be barren, for this combination to materialize, 5th house should also fall in a cruel sign owned, occupied or aspected by a maletic. If 7th house from Ascendant or Moon be inhabited by malefics and Saturn and the Moon be in 7th the wife would become a widow and would remarry after widowhood.

72. The number of wives a person may have, would be equal to the number of Navamsas passed by the lord of 7th if the sign occupied by it. This number may also be equal to the number of planets aspecting 7th house. If the lord of 7th house is in a Navamsa owned by Mercury and Saturn, or Mars and Saturn, the native would marry only once. If Mars, Saturn and Rabu be in 6th, 8th and 7th house respectively the natives wife would not survive even if be marries a number of times.

73. If Mars, Saturn and Rahu be together in 7th or 8th house, the native would be liable to be bitten by a dog or suffer from venereal diseases.End of 7th house.


74. Eighth house is known as the house of mystery. Matters to be exammd from the 8th house are fear from enemies, origination of diseases, hole or a slit on boat, imprisonment, crossing the river, theft, fighting, acting in an unbecoming manner, happiness, misery, etc.

75. The consideration of 8th house should be done in the same manner as that of 2nd house. That is, if Moon be strong so far as 8th house is concerned, the same effect should be said as in the case of 2nd house. Benefics bestow wealth upon the native malefics there would destroy it. Malefics in 8th house, may caused wounds or moles in the private parts of the native or his wife.

76. If malefics be in 8th house, the native would suffer badly from various diseases. In the case of a query about success, in conquering a fortress, if 8th house of the query chart occupied by malefics, it should be understood that the native would not have quick success, While besieging the fortress; he would be involved in a long drawn battle and may lose a number of his men.If the query is whether the captured person would be released or not, the answer would be that he would get released very soon from enemys bondage through the efforts of a brave warrior. About the query whether the boat, would cross the river safely or not, the answer would be in the affirmative.

77. If lord of Ascendant be an enemy of Sun, the native would be short-lived. If it be neutral, the native would have normal (medium) life. If the lord of Ascendant be friendly to Sun the native would enjoy a long life. Similarly if the lord of Ascendant occupies a friendly house, the native would be long-lived, If he be in a neutral house, the native would have medium life. He would be short-lived, if the lord of Ascendant be in an inimical house.

78. If the lords of the Ascendant and 8th house be posited in moveable signs or if either of them be in a fixed sign and the other in a dual sign, the native would be long-lived. So say the sages.

79. If either of the lord of Ascendant one occupies a moveable sign and the other a fixed one or if both be in dual signs, the native would have medium longevity. If one be in a moveable sign and the other in a dual sign, or if-both be in fixed signs, the native would be short lived. This is the first method of determining the longevity of the native. The other method for ascertaining the longevity is to adopt the same process for Ascendant and Moon. That is, if Ascendant and Moon be both in moveable signs, or if one be in a fixed sign and other be in a dual one, the native would be long-lived. When Ascendant occupies a moveable sign and Moon be in a fixed sign, or if both of them be in dual signs, the native would have medium longevity. lf Ascendant he in a moveable sign and Moon in a dual sign, or if both of them be in fixed signs, the native would be short-lived. The third method would be by adopting a similar process for Ascendant at birth and Hora Lagna.

80. In determining the natives longevity if there be agreement according to two or more methods mentioned in the previous two slokas, thar longevity alone should be taken as correct, There is one more important point to be kept in mind. What has been mentioned above as long, medium or short life due to the lords of Ascendant and lord of 8th house occupying movenble, fixed or dual signs; would apply only when the signiflcators occupy the beginning of a sign and not its end. When they be posited in positions other than the beginning, the period has to be calculated by the rule-of-three process. If there be disagreement, the longevity should be settled in the manner described in the next sloka. In order to obtain the Hora Lagna, if the birth Ascendant happens to be in an odd sign, calculations have to be made from the sign occupied by Sun. If the Ascendant be in an even sign, calculation should be made from the Ascendant itself.

81. The death of the native should be predicted during the Dasha (major period) of (1) a planet owning a. Maraka (Death inflicting) house (2nd and 7th), (2) a malefic planet posited in the 2nd or 7th house or (3) a planet that has relationship with them.

82. If the death does not take place in any of the periods, mentioned above, it might take place during the period of the lord of 12th house or of the planet who may be related to it, or if, might take place during the period of the lord of 8th house or durmg the period of a planet who rules a constellation that is inauspicious with reference to the birth constellation of the native. The native would be long-lived, if the lords of Ascendant, 10th, and 8th house, have adequate strength.

83. Saturn also becomes a death inflicting planet when he be a malefic in a birth chart and has relationship with death inflicting planets.

84. If Mars and Saturn be together with Rahu in 8th house, the death of the native would take place in the battlefield through weapons etc. A benefic posited in 8th house would also be capable of inflicting death in the battlefield if aspectrd by inimical and malefic planets.End of 8th house.


85. The 9th house is called the house of Fate-Bhagya. It is the house of prosperity and auspiciousness and represents the thighs of the Kalapurusha, while according to some the legs. The matters which are considered from 9th house are palace, temple, well, reservoir, pilgrimage to holy places, good deeds.

86. What is predicted about brothers from 3rd house, should be predicted from 9th house also. All will be good and auspicious for the native if the lord of 9th be a benefic and if 9th house be associated with or aspected by benefics. If 9th house from Ascendant or Moon be aspected by the lord of 9th prosperity would be enjoyed by the native in the country of his birth. If 9th house be aspected by some other planet or planets, the native would gain prosperity in a foreign country.

87. If there be a malefic planet in 9th house, the native would be sickly and would have an ulcer in his foot. If Rahu be posited in 9th, the native would have defective nails and would suffer from pain in his bones. If Mars be there, the native would suffer from fire or poison. If there be male planets in ninth the native would have brothers, and have sisters if 9th be occupied by female bcnefic planets. If 9th be occupied by benefics possessing adequate strength, specially in exaltation, the native would enjoy prosperity in all ways. If an exalted planet aspects 9th house from Ist, 3rd or 5th, the native would definitely enjoy good prosperity (Only Jupiter can aspect 9th, house from 1st and 5th). If a benefic like Jupiter and Venus attaining his highest exaltation point be posited in 9th and the combination mentioned previously be also present, a Rajayoga is formed and its effects would be full. If Saturn and Mars be also posited in 9th, the effect of Rajayoga would be half. Even if a weak benefic be placed in 9th the native would be virtuously disposed and would perform religious deeds.

89. If the lord of Ascendant or the lord of the sign in which Moon be posited, be in the visible half (from descendant to ascendant), the native would be prosperous throughout his life. If Mars and Moon be in 9th, the native would suffer the loss of his mother. If Sun and Moon be in 9th, the native would suffer the loss of his mother. If Sun and Moon be in 9th, the native would be short-lived. If Mars also joins combination, the native would be in strange and unexpected circumstances.

90. The native attains salvation after death with the following combinations: 1) If the lords of Ascendant 9th and 8th houses possess adequate strength and aspect their own houses. 2) If benefics be posited in 9th and there be no malefic influence on this house.End of 9th House.


91. 10th house denotes the two knees and back bone of the native. The matters which concern 10th house are the natives business, occupation, livelihood, father, sovereign, government, position, administrative appointment, happiness, banner, rain, drought, action, family etc.
92. Just as all about mother is to be considered from 4th house, so all about father should be considered from 10th house. If the lord of 10th be a benefic planet with adequate strength and be associated with benehc planets, or if 10th house has benefic planets in it and be aspected by friendly planete be all auspicious (that is, favourable to the native).

93. If a full and strong Moon occupies 4th house, Venus with adequate strength be in 7th and Mercury be in 10th, the effects of 10th house would be favourable to the native. (In this case Sun would also be in 10th house). If Jupiter also joins Mercury in 10th, the native would derive full happiness from his brother, mother, father and lands. The native would enjoy full prosperity if Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and full Moon (i.e. all natural benefics) be placed in 10th house. (Here Sun would be in 4th house).

94. The result would be auspicious for the native if the benefic planets posited in 10th be aspected by benefics. If male planets be strong in 10th, the male members would dominate in the family matters. If female planets be strong there the dominant role in the family would be played by the female members. Men, who have Jupiter in 10th in their birth charts, would be happy. If there be Sun in 10th house aspected by benefics, the native would perform a number of virtuous deeds.

95. The native would suffer from pain in his knees if Sun be in 10th or aspects 10th house. If Mars be in 10th, the native would suffer from injuries, ulcers, wounds through weapons or tire. If Saturn and Rahu be in 10th, the native would suffer from wind. Also the native, his parents or his wife would have a black mole or mark on their back.

96. If Saturn be in 10th conjoined with Sun or Rahu and aspected by Mars, the natives father would die in a foreign land. If 10th house be in a malefic sign and occupied or aspected by malefics, or by both benefics and malefics, the result would be inauspicious for the native. He may have to suffer from the wrath of the king or the government. The native would also be separated from his mother.

97. If Sun aspected by Saturn and Rahu be in 10th in a malefic sign, the death of the father may take place in the period of any of the three planets involved in this combination. If there is query whether the rainfall would be good or not, the answer would be in the affirmative if 10th house be occupied by benefics. The answer would be in the negative if planets posited there be malefics. Similarly the rainfall would be good if there be benefics in 10th house in the query chart and a strong Moon receives the aspect of benefics. If there be malefics in 10th and Moon be aspected by malefics, there would be no rainfall. Even if there is rain it would do more harm than good.

98. The source of livelihood or occupation of the native may be judged from the planet occupying 10th house with adequate strength or the planet with similar strength aspects 10th house. Again, Navamsa of 10th house from Ascendant, Moon or Sun, whichever the strongest, would indicate the profession. If Moon be stronger than Ascendant the profession indicated for Moon should be predicted that is the native would acquire wealth through his skill in the use of language, by trading, by proficiency in various arts etc.

99. If Sun be stronger than Ascendant and Moon, the native would earn his livelihood by pursuing several occupations. If Mars be the strongest planet and be posited in 10th from Ascendant or Moon, the native would earn his livelihood by pursuing base occupations and would remain in his native place, but if he goes abroad he would indulge in sensual pleasures.

100-101. If Mercury be placed in 10th house, similarly with reference to Moon and Ascendant the native would be at the head of many concerns and would be good in earning money through his knowledge of arts and political compositions. If Jupiter be posited in 10th house with the same disposition, the. native would enjoy great prosperity and special greatness and he would be virtuous. When Venus be similarly posited, the native would be a successful man would have decent earnings, would be liked by the king (or government), wou!d lead a comfortable life and would possess knowledge of various arts. If Saturn be in the same position the native would have evil disposition, weakness of body, and would suffer badly on account of prolonged litigation.

102-103-There would be acquisiton of wealth from: 1) father if Sun be posited in 10th house. 2) mother if Moon be so placed, 3) enemies if Mars be in 10th, 4) friend if Mercury be there, 5) brother if Jupiter be in 10th, 6) wife if Venus be in 10th, 7) inferior if Saturn be posited in 10th. The earning could also be by means of profession prescribed for the ruler of Navamsa occupied by planet owning 10th place from Ascendant, Sun or Moon. If such lord is Sun, the native would earn his livelihood by dealing in gold, medicine etc. If the Navamsa belongs to Moon, the livelihood wou!d be by taking up agricultural pursuits, dealing in food materials and things taken out from water (pearls, Ash, etc.). If Mars be the lord of Navamsa, the native would earn his living by doing violent acts. He may be in the police or army or be a surgeon or a butcher. If Mercury rules the Navamsa, the live.ihood would be earned by working as a writer, poet, orator or as an artist. If the lord of Navamsa be Jupiter the natives means of earning would be by engaging in religious acts. If Venus be the ruler of Navamsa, the money would be earned through sale or purchase of jewellery or through women and beautiful objects. If Saturn be the lord of Navamsa the .native would earn his livelihood by undesirable means.

104. The profession of the native would generally be that indicated by planet owning Navamsa occupied by lord of 10th from Ascendant Moon or Sun whichever be strongest. The native would gain wealth, land, comforts and fame, if planets placed in 10th, Ascendant and 2nd house be bcneflcs and endowed with shad-varga strength.End of Tenth House.


105. The Subject matters dealt with by 11th House are the right foot, left hand, two thighs, learning, gains of wealth, acquisition of elephants, horses, palanquins, chariots, other conveyances, ornaments of gold, doli, clothes, festivity and decoration etc.

106. Just as the effects of planets posited in 5th house are assessed for 5th house, the good or bad effects of 11th house may be decided from the same, as well as from planets posited in 11th house. If the lord of 11th possesses shadvarga strength be a benefic, the results would be auspicious in every way for the native, (that is he would be prosperous in all respects). If planets posited in 11th are free from affliction by inimical planets or planets in their signs of delibitation, they would augment the prosperity and happiness of the native.

107. The native would derive happiness and comfort through: 1) elephants and horses if Mars. Saturn and Rahu be in 11th, 2) the couch if Mercury be in 11th, 3) human carriers if Venus be in 11th, 4) wife if Moon and Jupiter be in 11th. If Mercury be in 11th house the native would be proficient in Shastras of his liking. If Venus and Moon be in 11th, the native would get a daughter and if Jupiter be there, he would be blessed with a son.

108. If Mercury with adequate strength be posited in 11th, all the houses give auspicious results. If Moon he there, the man digs wells and succeeds in getting sacrifices and other rites performed. If Sun and Mars associated with female planets or Mercury be posited in 11th, the native would get many daughters but no sons.

109. If Rahu and Saturn be in 11th, the native would have the mark of a blow from a wooden article. If 11th house be aspected by malefics, the native is likely to be bitten by a dog or other wild animal. If Rahu be in 11th the native would have no son in his youth but if by some fortune he gets a son in his old age, that son would survive. If Saturn be posited in either of the two junctions of 11th house, the native would be childless.

110. If afflicted Mars and Saturn be in 11th house, the native would suffer from diseases like gout in his left arm and feet and remains unhappy on that account. If Sun with shadvarga strength be posited in 11th, the native would earn plenty of money through the king (or government), thieves, animals etc.

111. If various planets posited in 11th house be endowed with full strength i.e. vargabala, they would give beneficial results according to their nature and qualities. The ancient learneds in Astrology have advised that the results should be declared after assessing the strength and all merits and demerits of planets posited in 11th and of houses owned by them.

112. If 11th house be aspected by benefits and be in the vargas of benefit, the gain derived by the native would be substantial, If even one planet endowed with full shadvarga strength be posited in 11 th and be aspected by all other planets, the native would become a king.


113-114. The 12th house represents the two feet of Kalapurusha and is called Vyaya Bhava the House of Expenditure. The matters that are considered from 12th house are – obstinacy, giving or taking gifts, expenditure, building of reservoirs, good or bad deeds, punishment etc. The expenditure of the native is incurred for purposes indicated by planets posited in 12th house. If Sun be in 12th, all accumulated wealth would be taken away by the government.

115. Expenditure would be incurred on prostitutes, singing and dancing damsels and like, if Sun and Mars together or Mercury with female planets be in 12th or 2nd house. If Rahu and Saturn be in 2nd or 12th house, expenditure would be incurred on low and or undesirable persons and on enemies, litigation etc.

116. If Mars alone be posited in 12th house, the native would incur loss of wealth on account of persons belonging to warrior community. The native would bear scar or wound caused by weapons on his right or left side of the waist. The native would suffer from trouble in left eye and cars which would interfere with the normal performance of his duties, His wife would have an extra limb, There would be danger from wounds and the like caused by his own undesirable actions.

117. The following dispositions of planets in 12th make the native incur loss of wealth in the manner indicated against them: 1) Moon with malefic like Saturn etc.-Through water. 2 ) Sun and Mars with malefics-Through fire. 3) Venus with male-Through women not his own. 4) Mercury with malefics – Through enemy action or through blow of wood or stone; or through animals with horns or through wind.

118. If Sun, Saturn or Mars be in 12th, there would be loss of father, mother and brother respectively. If benefic viz., Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in 12th, the native’s brother or the brothers of the parents would live happily.

119. If Jupiter alone be posited in 12th house, the native would support a large family. If Jupiter be in 12th with Mercury the native would devote himself to agriculture. If Jupiter be there along with Venus, the native would perform religions acts. If Jupiter be in 12th with Moon the native would build tanks, reservoirs etc. If Rahu be in 12th along with Venus, the native would suffer from ulcers and venereal diseases.

120. If a waning Moon or Sun be placed in 12th, the native would incur loss of wealth through the wrath of the king or government. If Mars be in 12th combust or in an inimical or debilitation sign, the native would definitely suffer loss of wealth as indicated above. If Mercury (unassociated with any malefics), Venus, Jupiter and full Moon be in 12th, the wealth would be earned by the native by fair and just means.

121. If Mars be posited in 12th associated with or aspected by Mercury, there would be destruction of wealth of the native. If Jupiter be in 12th, the native would acquire wealth in the shape of cows and gold. The native would acquire horses if Venus with adequate strength be in 12th. If Mercury be similarly placed in 12th the native would acquire landed property.

122. If full Moon aspected by benefics be in 12th, the native would become owner of several houses. If Sun with Mercury be in 12th, the native would give away all his property to his servants. If Jupiter and Venus both be in 12th, the native would do virtuous and meritorious deeds and would be a loyal devotee of Goddess Pärvaté, Lord Çiva and Lord Sri Kåñëa.

123. If in a birth chart, 12th house is void of any planet and benefics occupy quadrants the native’s money would be spent on virtuous deeds under the supervision of noble persons. Such a native would not be harmed by enemies. Astrologer should follow this rule both in the ascendants of Janma and Prñëa Kundalis.End of twelfth house.

124-125. The ancient sages have declared that three decanates in then order denote in each of the following houses the different parts of the body: Houses 1st decanate 2nddecanate 3rd decanate
Ascendant Head Neck Pelvis
2&12 Two eyes Two shoulders Genital organs
2&11 Two ears Two arms Two testicles
4&10 Two nostrils Two sides Two thighs
5&9 Two cheeks Two sides of heart Two knees
6&8 Two jaws Two sides of the chest Two calves
7 Mouth Navel Two feet
If any particular decanate be associated with or aspected by a benefic, there would be a mole or mark in the part indicated. If any decanate has malefic influence on it, there would be deformity or ulcer in that part.

126. Thus comes to close the Sanketa. of Bhavas, (Houses) the fourth of Sanketanidhi a work written by Çri Rama Dayalu, the Astrologer for the benefit of Çri Ghasi Ram, the son of his eldest brother Shri Vazir Chand Sharma so that he may became proficient in Astrology.End of fourth Sanketa of Sang Bhavas.


1-2. The Avasthas or postures of planets are twelve in number: 1) Shayana or lying down, (2) Upaveshana or sitting, (3) Netrapani or with a hand on the eye, (4) Prakasha or shining, (5) Gamana or going, (6) Agama or not going, (7) Aasthanee or attendance in assembly it is also known as (8) Aagama or coming, (9) Bhuji or eating, Nrityalipsa or desire to dance, (11) Kautuka or curiousity, and (12) Nidra (fm) or sleep.

3. To find out the particular Avastha of a planet we have to proceed as follows: Find the planetary number of the planet (Sun 1, Moon 2, Mars 3, Mercury 4, Jupiter 5, Venus 6, Saturn 7, Rahu 8 andKetu 9); find also the number of star (reckoned from Aswini) occupied by the planet. Note the product of the two number. Then find out the degree occupied by the planet in the sign and multiply the product already obtained by this number. To this second product add (1) the number of the natal star (reckoned) from Aswini, (2) the number of the particular Ghati at birth counted from the previous sun rise and (3) the number of Ascendant counted from Aries. The resulting sum should be divided by 12. The remainder represents the number of the Avastha counted from Shayana, which the planet is undergoing on the time.

4. The number devoting the particular Avastha of a planet at any required time should be squared. To this should be added the number appropriate for the initial letter of the natives name. The sum should be divided by 12. The remainder with the Kshepa of the planet added to it should be divided by 3. The remainder would denote the Drishti, Cheshta or Vicheshta according as it is 1,2, or 3 respectively.

5. The Kshepa figures for Sun and other planets are in their order 5,2,2,3,5,3,3,4 and 4. There are three Avasthas-Drishti, Cheshta and Vicheshta of planets (revealing little benefit, very good and nil results) derivable from their position, strength and associations.

6-8. The effects of Sun in various Avasthas are given below: Shayana-Ulcer or wound in anus, pain or some other trouble in chest, fear from father, loss of wealth. Upaveshana-Wicked thoughts in mind and enmity with others. Nefrapani-Plenty of happiness, gain of wealth from the king or government. Prakasha-Liberal minded, honour and happiness. Gamana-Lazy, impure, unhappy, angry, illicit relations with other women. Agama-Attached toother peoples wives, passionate, wicked, defamed. Aasthanee (Sabha)-Member of assemblies, helping others, forgives others easily. Aagama-Weak, harassed and defeated by enemies, wicked, unstable mind, fond of intoxicants. Bhuji or Bhojana-Worried, evil minded, miserable, loss of wealth. Nrityalipsa-Happy, honoured by assembly of nobles. Kautuka-Conquest over enemies, honoured by king or government. Nidra-Bereft of wife and wealth, very lazy.

9-11. The effects of Moon in various Avasthas would be as under: Shayana-Stupid, poor. Upaveshana-Thief, sickly, stupid. Netrapani-Speaks harshly, rogue. Prakasha-Equipped with good qualities, favourite of the king or government, always happy. Gamana-Suffers from eye trouble even if Moon is in Shukla Paksha (waxing). Agamana-Poverty, suffers from diseases of the feet. Aasthanee-Like a king, fond of women. Aagama-Waxing Moon is auspicious but if waning, the native would be sickly. Bhojan-Many kinds of comforts and happiness if Moon be Waxing. Waning Moon gives inauspicious results. Nrityalipsa-Enjoys charming music if the birth be in Shukla Paksha (bright half). It would not be so in the Krishna Paksha (dark half). Kautuka-King of kings, clever, wealthy and fond of all kinds of luxuries, women etc. Nidra-Would command honour and respect if Moon be associated with Jupiter. It would not be so if Moon be with Rahu.12-14. The effects of Mars in various avasthas would be as under: Shayana-The native suffers from skin diseases like ring worm, itches herpes, etc. Upaveshana-Sinful, wealthy but of perverted mind. Netrapani-If Mars be in a house other than Ascendant and be in this avastha, the native would become the chief official of the town. Prakasha-The native would become a king if Mars in this avastha be in a house other than the 5th and be associated with Jupiter. Gamana-Quarrels, troubles, unhappiness, fear, loss of wealth. Agama-Receives love and affection from others, happy, conquest over enemies with great effort. Aasthanee (Sabha)-The native would indulge in sinful acts if Mars in this avastha be in 9th, the 5th and the 12th house. His cherished desires would be fulfilled if it be posited in other houses. Aagama-Evil minded, sinful, sickly. Bhojana-Sinful, fond of sweet things. Nrityalipsa-Happy in every respect. Kautuka-Blessed by friends, children and wealth. Nidra-Poor, hot-tempered, troubled, impure.15-17. The effects of Mercury in various avasthas are given below: Shayana-Crippled, red eyes. If Mercury be posited in a other than Ascendant, the native would be stupid. Upaveshana-If Mercury, while in this avastha, beposited in its friendly or exaltation sign, the native would be fortunate. If Mercury be associated with or aspected by malefics, the native would be poor. Netrapani-If Mercury, while in this avastha, be posited in 5th house, the native would be issueless, unsteady but very intelligent. Prakasha-Lord, learned, destroyer of wicked people, kindly, sympathetic, clean hearted and happy. Gamana-Gets happiness from the king or government. Agama-Wealthy and builder of beautiful houses. Sabha-If Mercury, while in this avastha. be in its sign of exaltation, the native would get all round happiness. Aagama-Famous, father of twins. Bhojana-Quarrelsome, mischievously inclined, thin and lean. He would also be fond of prostitutes. Nrityalipsa- All happiness, very wealthy. Kautuka-If Mercury, while in this avastha, be posited in Ascendant or 9th house, it would be very auspicious for the native. If Mercury be posited in 7th or 8th house, the native would seek pleasure from prostitutes.18-20. The effects of Jupiter in various avasthas are given below: Shayana-Fair complexion, fear of enemies. Upaveshana-Talkative, proud, would suffer on account of enemies, would be punished by the king (government), would have ulcers or wounds. Netrapani-Sickly, poor, addicted to women of the prohibited class, always inclined towards sensual pleasures. Prakasha-Passionate, brilliant, devotee of God Vishnu, very rich. Gamana-Blessed with many friends, children and wealth. Agama-Famous all over the country for good qualities, unlimited wealth, very learned, eager. Sabha-Honoured and wealthy. Aagama-Like a king, honoured, many relations dependents and servants; would enjoy all happiness. Bhojana-Fond of sweets, many brothers, wealthy. Nrityalipsa: Would be able to understand the true nature of Brahman, would be opulent. Kautuka: Respected by brothers and relations. Nidra-Perverted, poor, not charitably inclined.21-23. The effects of Venus in various avasthas are given below: Shayana- Dental troubles, dishonoured. Upaveshana-Respected by government, happy, destroyer of enemy. Netrapani-While in this avastha if Venus be in 10th, 7th or 6th house, the native would be deprived of his eye sight. Prakasha-The native would become a great man if Venus be posited in its own, exaltation or a friendly sign. Gamana-Native would act against the wishes of his mother and suffer from diseases. Sabha-Like a king, conquest over enemies famed for his good qualities. Aagama-Benefit of wife, children and wealth, sickly. Bhojan-suffers from hunger, enemy and diseases. Nrityalipsa-Intelligent, wealthy. Kautuka-becomes an important person, wealthy, respected. Nidra-defamed, dumb and deaf.24-26. The effects af Saturn in various avasthas would be as under: Shayana-Suffers from hunger and thirst, hard working, sickly in first portion of life and happy in the latter portion. Upaveshana-Proud, gets imprisonment as a result of wrath of government, suffers from tuberculosis. Netrapani-Very wealthy, owns lands, very patient and satisfied, has good knowledge of arts. Prakasha-Devotee of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva, clever, wise, intelligent, sympathetic, happy. Gamana-Wealthy, happiness from relations, capable. Agama-Bereft of children, sickly, would be roaming about alone. Sabha-Wealthy, happy, brilliant. Aagama-Sickly, idiot, belongs to low caste, bereft of enjoyment. Bhojan-would get richly flavoured meals, would suffer from eye trouble. Nrityalipsa-Wealthy, charitable. Kautuka-Would have the pleasure of enjoying dance and music by young beautiful girls. Nidra-Would become a great personage of all tastes, capable of enjoying several merits io them, and would be happy.27-29. The effects of Rahu in various avasthas would be as under: Shayana-While being posited in Taurus, Gemini, Aries or Virgo, if Rahu be in Shayanavastha, the native would be wealthy. Rahus position in other signs would bring about unfavourable results for the native. Upaveshana-The native would be penniless though favoured the king or government. Netrapani-Fear from thieves, serpents, enemies, rogues, loss of wealth, eye trouble. Prakasha-Famous, like a king, good qualities, wealthy, dark in appearance, lucky. Gamana–Happy, intelligent, good children, honoured by the king or government. Agama-Does not receive affection or love, sickly, angry temperament, rogue. Sabha-Learned, wealthy but miserly, good qualities. Aagama-Differences with relations, fall from high position as a result of some conspiracy by enemies. Bhojana-Suffers from hunger and separation from his family members. Nrityalipsa-Eye-trouble and danger from enemies. Kautuka-Thief, has illicit relations with other women. Nidra–Good wife and children. The effects of Ketu in different Avasthas would be the same as those of Rahu.30. The author has in this sloka pointed out that he has described the effects of planets in different avasthas by using quarter of a sloka for each avastha. The effects described by him are in accordance with what has been said in ancient texts. Therefore, there should be no confusion in the mind of readers. In the slokas now to follow, the effects of planets in certain avasthas as a result of (1) the planets occupying particular houses and (2) of aspect received by them from other planets in a birth chart, would be described.31. If Sun in Netrapani avastha be posited in 10th, 5th, 9th or 7th house, all desires of the native would be fulfilled. If Sun in Prakasha avastha be posited in 12th, 7th or 10th house, the native would see the death of his wife and children.32. The native would be bereft of his moral strength if Sun being in Bhojan avastha occupies 9th house. The native would destroy his enemies if Sun in Kautuka avastha be posited in 6th house. The wife and children of the native would be in trouble if in the same avastha Sun be in 7th or 5th house. In whichever avastha Moon be, it would always be beneficial to the native in bright half of the month.33. The native would suffer loss of children if Mars in Shayana avastha be posited in 7th or 5th house. If in similar avastha Mars be in 6th house, the first wife of the native would be deprived of all happiness. If Mars be aspected by an enemy planet or be associated with Saturn or Rahu, the native would suffer from some trouble in the head.34. If Mars in Shayana avastha be posited in Ascendant, he would cause eye trouble and give a wound in some part of the body. If Mars in Netrapani avustha be in Ascendant, the native would suffer from fire and lose a part of the body. The same is likely to happen to his wife if Mars in Netrapani avastha, be placed in 7th house.35. If Mars being in Prakasha avastha be posited in or 5th house, the native would have to suffer the loss of his wife and children. If in this disposition, Mars be aspected by a malefic, the native would indulge in sinful acts. If Mercury being in Netrapani avastha, be posited in 5th house, a son of the native would die and a daughter born to him. The native is likely to get daughters, if Mercury in Sabha avastha be placed in 7th or 5th house.36. If ascendant be Sagittarius and Jupiter in Bhojan avastha be posited there alongwith a malefic, the native would be childless, the native would find himself in dire poverty if Jupiter in similar dispositions be posited in 5th or the 9th house. Venus would be favourable to the native if being in Netrapani avastha he be posited in 1st, 7th or 10th house, he would enjoy all happiness of the bed.37. If Saturn would be be in a favourable avastha, the effect would be beneficial to the native. Malefic effect may be expected if Saturn be in an unfavourable avastha. The native would have the good htune of living in holy places by the side of a river if Rahu in Nidra avastha be placed in 5th or 9th house.38. The native would be in poverty, in fear and be a wanderer, if Rahu in Shayana avastha occupies 2nd, 12th or 11th house. If Rahu in this avastha be in its own, friendly or exaltation sign or a sign the lord of which is Mercury or Venus the result would be auspicious for the native. If Rahu be not so posited the result would be inauspicious.39. The native would lose all his children if Rahu even when placed in its exaltation sign or other favourable positions mentioned in the previous sloka, be posited in 5th associated with or aspected by a malefic and be in Nidra avastha. Only one issue would be destroyed if Rahu be in receipt of a benefic aspect.40. The native would lose his wife if a malefic in Nidra avastha be placed in 7th house, associated with or aspected by a malefic. This would not happen if such planet be associated with or aspected by a benefic. There would be definite loss of wife of the native if a planet in 7th house in Nidra avastha be in an inimical sign and be associated with or aspected by an inimical planet.41. If in the disposition referred to in the previous sloka, the planet receives benefic influence by way of association or aspect, there would be loss of only one wife. If there be both benefic and malefic influences on the said planet, it should be said that the wifes life would be full of hardships.42. The native would die at the hands of his enemy if a planet in Nidra or Shayana avastha be placed in 8th house along with a malefic planet. If malefic planet in 8th house be associated with or aspected by a benefic or the lord of 8th house itself, the native would be fortunate enough to attain the feet of Lord Vishnu on the banks of Ganges.43. Thus ends the Sanketa-Sanketa-the fifth of the work Sanketanidhi written by Ram Dayalu the astrologer for the benefit of Ghasi Ram Sharma, the son of his eldest brother Shri Vazir Chand Sharma, so that he may become proficient in astrology.End of Fifth Sanketa


l. The author indicates in this sloka that he is now going to describe the effects derived from the various houses in a birth chart, on the lines of principles laid down in the Samhitas (treatise) compiled by great ancient sages. According to views of the ancient learneds, the strength of a planet goes on increasing according as it be posited in its enemy, neutral, friendly own or exaltation sign.

2. If in Adhana Lagna chart, or in query chart a male planet with adequate strength be posited in a benefic varga-Sign, Hora, Drekkana etc; it is to be declared that the child to be born would be a male. If such planet be a female one, it should be predicted that the child to be born would be female. If planet in question be impotent, the child to be born would also be so. If planet in question be in a dual sign, the forecast should be of the twin birth.

3. If there is a query as to when the child would be born, we have to proceed as follows: Find out how many Navamsas have been traversed by the strongest planet, at the time of query. If Moon be in the bright half of the month, it should bc predicted that birth would take place in as many months as arc indicated by the number of Navamsas passed by the planet in the sign concerned. The number of months would be twice the number of such Navamsas if Moon at the time of query be in the dark half of the month. Or, the period spent in the womb would be as many months as the number of Navamsas risen in Ascendant at the time of query.

4. If planets capable of giving birth to child be in 6th, 8th or in the sign owned by an enemy planet and be associated or aspected by malefics posited in 6th, 8th, or sign-owned by enemy planets, the pregnancy would end in abortion. This is likely to happen in the month (after conception) indicated by the number of Navamsas travelled by the said planet in the sign occupied by it. It may be possible to prevent this tragedy by remedial measures recommended in Shastras.

5. In that particular part of the body signified by the sign occupied by Sun and which has been described as forming the head and other portions of Kalapurusha should be declared the existence of a mark, a mole or spot. If planet which occupies the sign be Mars, the mark would be caused through tire. In case of Rahu, it would be through wood, stone etc. Saturn would give the mark or spot through a metal and the mark or spot caused on account of Jupiter occupying a sign, would be a beneficial one.

6. If two, three or four malefics of which Mercury is one be posited together in one sign, there would be in that part of body a scar caused by an ulcer. The native would be hump-backed if Moon in a birth chart posited in a Navamsa or Drekkana occupied by a malefic and be aspected by Sun. The native would be lame if Moon be in Suns Horä and receives the aspect of Saturn. The native would be one-eyed if in the birth chart, 12th and 2nd houses be inhabited by Venus and Mars jointly or separately and be aspected by Sun and Moon.

7. The native would be of short stature if: 1) Ascendant be Scorpio and Sun in 10th; 2) Moon be in Capricorn and aspected by Mars and Sun; 3) The Lord of Ascendant house and aspected by Saturn be associated with Moon in 2nd; 4) The lord of 9th house be associated with Moon in 2nd house and aspected by Saturn.

8. l) If in a birth chart: a) 7th house be badly disposed and its lord be a malefic and b) Ascendant be badly disposed and its lord be a malefic, it should be declared that the wife of the native would have ugly looking marks on her body. 2) It could be predicted that the mother of the native would have ugly looking marks on her body if Ascendant, its lord and 4th house and its lord be disposed in the same manner as in (1) above. 3) The same could be predicted about the sister of the native if ninth house and the lord of 3rd house are also malefics.

9. The wife of the native would speak harshly and flare up quickly if the lord of 7th be a malefic. She would be of kind nature and speak sweetly if the lord of 7th be a benefic. The partner (wife or business partner) would be dishonest and having evil intentions, if Moon and Saturn be together in 7th from Ascendant.

10. The mother of the native would be unchaste, if the lord of 4th is a malefic planet and the lord of 7th and Ascendant are benefics. It should be predicted that the wife of the native would be of loose morals if the lords of 10th and 7th are malefics and those of 1st and 4th are benefics.

11. The effects of a planet would be felt in the beginning, middle or concluding portion of its Major Period in accordance with its position in lst, 2nd or 3rd Drekkana of the sign in which it is posited. What method of period-reckoning should be observed should be decided by the Astrologer himself according to the directions of the Çästras.

12-14. Illegitimate births would take place in the following dispositions: 1) When 4th house remains unaspected or an enemy planet be placed in 4th or aspects it. 2) When Ascendant be unaspected by any planet or be occupied by the lords of 2nd, 3rd, 5th or 6th house. 3) When a malefic be in Ascendant, a benefic in 7th and Saturn in 10th. 4) When Moon be in Ascendant and 3rd house be occupied by Mars and Venus. 5) When Ascendant be inhabited by Mars and Rahu and 7th be occupied by Moon and Venus.6) When four quadrants be vacant and all the planets be posited in 2nd, 12th, 8th and 6th houses. 7) When Ascendant has no Varga of Jupiter or if Ascendant or Moon does not receive aspect from Jupiter. 8) When the lords of Ascendant and 7th lord be together in a fixed sign. 9) When Ascendant, 10th or 4th house be occupied by Moon along with a malefic. 10) When Ascendant be not aspected either by its lord or a benefic planet. The wife of the native would enter into illicit relations with persons other than her husband, if Venus be posited in 9th house along with Moon.

15. Now the effects of the lords of Ascendant and other houses when posited in different houses: 1st house: Strong and well-built body, would be able to accomplish mighty things by his own efforts and the strength of his arms. He would be unsteady but would have no fear. He would also be broadminded. He might be having two wives and still be of loose morals.

16. 2nd house-The native would be wealthy, learned, and possessing many good qualities. He would be of good moral character, restless, famous and do pious deeds. He would be issueless although he may have more than one wife.

17. 3rd house and 6th house–He would be courageous and strong like a lion. He would possess wealth in abundance. He would have good qualities, would be respected by all, would be in status like a king or next to him.

18. 4th or 10th houses-He would be prosperous along with his parents. He would have good brothers and would be ambitious. He would be very attractive and liked by all on account of his good qualities.

19. 5th House-Happiness of children, would lose his first issue; hot temperament, servant of the king/government.

20. 7th house-wife of the native would be put to much suffering. As a consequence though with high status he would also suffer and become a wanderer.

21. 8th or 12th-Gambler, miserly, clever in offering advice, thief, adulterous, would have to face many troubles, unfortunate.

22. 9th or 11th-Fortunate, remains in good society, devotee of Lord Sri Kåñëa, proficient in oratory, would be happy with his wife and children.

23-31. The effects of the lord of 2nd house in various houses would be as under:2nd house-If the lord of 2nd be in 2nd, native would be wealthy and proud. He would consider others as inferior to him. He may have two or three wives but would not have any son from any of them.3rd or 4th house-Courageous, intelligent, good qualities, greedy, unfulfilled ambitions, illicit and secret relations with other women.6th house-Gain of wealth from enemies which he would be robbed of soon, clever in manipulating things to his advantage, thief, litigant. He would have a mark on his sexual organ which would always be erect.7th house-Medical man, clever in illicit relations with other peoples wives. His wife would act similarly and have contacts with other people. Mother would also be unchaste having relations with low caste people.8th house-Gets a treasure or wealth without making effort, no happiness from wife or his eldest brother, misery through wife.9th or 11th house-Industrious, skilful and wealthy, afflicted with disease at an early age, happy in old age.10th house-Erotic temperament, rich, honoured, learned, more than one wife, no happiness from children.12th house-Bold and daring, no wealth, has high opinion about himself, irreligious, would live on favour of the king/government, no happiness from first child.5th or 1st house-Considered as a thorn by his family, hard hearted, propagating, helpful to others, little or no wealth, fraudulent.

32-38. The effects of the lord of 3rd house being posited in various houses would be as under:3rd house-Rich in every way, valorous, ambitions would be fulfilled, homely, happiness in family life.4th, 5th or 10th house-Happiness through various sources, rich, intelligent, hard hearted wife.6th house-Hostile relations amongst brothers, unhappy through maternal uncles, rich, may have illicit relations with maternal uncle’s wife.9th or 12th house-Rises to prominence through a woman, father doing harm to others, miserable life.7th or 8th house-would die at the gate of kings palace, unhappy in early life, stealing habit may end in imprisonment.11th or 1st house-Earns by his own efforts, would serve others, angry temperament, idiot.2nd house–Becomes rich through women; strong body; homosexual, miserable, lazy, engaged in mean work.

39-46. The effects of the lord of 4th house posited in various houses are given below:4th house-Good adviser, chief among men, witty, respected and wealthy, amicable qualities, cautious in regards to relations with women.5th or 9th how-Popular, happy, devoted to Lord Govinda, broadminded, lives on his own earnings.6th house-Irritable, angry temperament, brought up by many mothers (women), thief, evil disposition, does not care for his own comforts.1st or 7th house-Learned in many sciences, loss of ancestral property, many marriages and separations.8th or 12th house-Bereft of happiness, no happiness from father, impotent, illegitimate child.10th house-Honoured by king/government, noble and pious character, clever in chemistry, cheerful, happy in many directions.3rd or 11th house-generally healthy, wealthy, generous, noble qualities, happy with self-earned wealth.2nd house-Wealthy, takes full enjoyment of life, blessed with wife and children, company of cheats, helpful to others, amassing money would be his main aim of life.

47-54. The effects of the lord of 5th house being posited in various houses would be as under:5th house-Has a son with no proper means, unsteady in mind, harsh speech but inclined to do good deeds, intelligent, helpful to others.6th or 12th house-Son becomes enemy, no issues, purchases a boy to adopt him as his son, adopts a child of another as his son.7th house-Speaks truth, virtous disposition, tall and loyal, determined, liberal hearted.2nd or 8th house-Many children, patient of asthma and cold, hot temperament, proud of wealth.9 or 10th house-His son would be like a king, famous and brilliant, pilgrimages to holy places, always active.11th house-Very popular, broadminded, highly; intelligent, would compose new works, many children, learned and respected, believer in non-violence.1st or 3rd house-Rogue, defamer and cheat, selfish, does not help others at all.4th house-Mother lives long, good intellect, gains high status in his young age, master of beautiful residence.

55-61-The following would be the effects of the lord of 6th house being posited in various houses:6th house-Inimical relations with dayadins, good friendship with others, owner of conveyances, helps the poor.1st, 7 or 11th house-Daring, no children, respected, generous, good qualities, plenty of money, famous.8th or 12th house-Sickly, violent, does harm to living creatures, hales learned men, illicit connections with the wives of others.9th house-Dealer in wood, stone, etc; sometimes has losses in business and gains at other times.2nd or 10th house-Courageous, devotion to duty, foremost in his family, changes of residence, happy, good knowledge of Çästras.3rd or 4th house-Excessive anger making the eyes red, instable mind, defamer, wealthy.5th house-No long standing friendship, wealth and happiness unsteady, loving and sympathetic disposition, always gets his work done.

62-68-The effects of the lord of 7th house being posited in various houses would be as under:7th house-Running after other people’s wives, bold, unsteady mind, dots not stick to his words.6th or 8th house-Sickly, always angry and love sick, happiness, waste money on prostitutes.2nd or 9th house-Happy in the company of beautiful women, eager but slow in work, always has women in his mind.4th or 10th house-Wife very chaste, virtuous, keen intellect, speaks truth, suffers from diseases of teeth and face.3rd or 11th house-The male child of the native would not survive only the girls may survive, son can be had by wife’s intercourse with another person, son may also be had by remedial measure such as use of a talisman, recitation of mantras, treatment with medicinal herbs.12th house-Mean, greedy, wife daughter of a thief and penniless, person, livelihood by sale of clothes, friend of low class5th house-Proud, honourable, leader amongst men, always wealthy, happy, good qualities, improvement in status by association with great men.

69-75. The effects of the lord of 8th house being posited in different houses would be as follows:8th house-Intent on stealing other peoples properties, defames persons older to him, gambler, cheat, wife of loose moral character.9th house-Sells medicines, bad wife, the native is also after other peoples wives and money, wife of poor parentage, wife mother of illegitimate children also4th or 10th house-bereft of relations, back-biter, wicked, loses parents in his childhood, faces many calamities.5th or 11th house-Good acts without beneficial results, unsteady in nature, wealth also unsteady, wicked mentality.6th or 12th house-Always sickly, liable to be bitten by serpent or crocodile in childhood.1st or 7th house-Two marriages, atheist, suffers from ulcers in the body.2nd or 3rd house-No courage, would lose wealth permanently.

76-81. The effects of the lord of 9th house being posited in different houses would be as follows:9th house-Wealthy, house-full of grains, many brothers with whom he has happy relations, wishes fulfilled.4th or 10th house-Minister or commander of army, virtuous, no anger, famous and happy.5th or 11th house-Fortunate, honourable and happy, virtuous with good qualities, charitable.6th, 8th or 12th house-Unlucky, happiness from uncle only through money, elder brothers life miserable.1st or 7th house-Very famous for his good qualities, wishes fulfilled.2nd or 3rd house-labours to get lock, good qualities, passionate and wealthy, learned, fulfilment of desires.

82-87. The effects of the lord of 10th house when posited in different houses would be as under:4th or 10th house- wise with good qualities, brave like a lion, virtuous, speaks the truth, has grace of gods, pays respect to learned men.5th or 11th house-Wealth in abundance, many children, his house would be meeting centre of wealthy persons, truthful, has all comforts and happiness.6th, 8th or 12th house-Troubled by enemy or disease, remains sad although intelligent and clever.1st house-Good poet, likeable qualities; sickly and troubled in early age; happy in later life.2nd, 3rd or 7th house-Learned, proud, virtuous, truthful; noble; world-famous; sympathetic and merciful.9th house-Fortunate in every respect, magnanimous but remains worried and without peace of mind inspite of his prosperity.

88-95. The effects of the lord of 11th house when posited in different houses would be as under:11th house-leader of men; eloquent speaker; everything available in abundance; learned; composer of poems; increase good qualities day-by-day.12th house-Association with yavanas (people of other religions); contact with young women; passionate; ultimately a man of very loose moral character.1st house-Fluent speaker; wealthy; just and impartial; cheerful disposition; famous; bereft of undesirable associations; good at heart;2nd or 3rd house-Pilgrimage to holy places and baths in sacred rivers etc. as a result of his religious inclinations; virtuous acts; steady mind; miserable on account of attacks of pain in the stomach.4th or 9th house-All riches; happy in all respects; good conduct; powerful; obedient sons; enjoys fruits of good and pious deeds in previous life.6th house-Deaf; also otherwise sickly; Though happy but would be away from home; takes pleasure in doing service to others.7th or 8th house-Not liked by women; Passionate; generous; wealthy; spends money on those who act against him.9th or 10th house-Homage from kings or Governments; good conduct, perfect; truthful and helpful to others: famous; respected; wealthy.

96-101. The effects of the lord of 12th house when placed in different houses would be as under:6th or 12th house-Sinful acts; hot temperament; hates mother; no issues; would have contacts with other peoples wives,1st or 7th house-Weak body; sickly on account of excess of phlegm; no wealth; uneducated; no conjugal happiness.2nd or 8th house-Keen devotee of Lord Krishna; good conduct; kindly nature; charitable.3rd or 9th house-Takes care of the upkeep of his body and health; hates his elders his wife and children and those who are superior to him in position.2nd or 4th horse-No happiness to children, father and mother; lives in other peoples house and earns his livelihood by trade or agriculture.5th or 11th house-No children; adopts or purchases a boy; possessed pearls, jewels etc.

102. The effects of the lords of various houses when posited in different houses as described above, would be realised in proportion to the strength or weakness of the planets, house concerned and their vargas.Mars when retrograde, would specially show the effects of the house that is fourth from it. Jupiter would produce particularly the effects of the house fifth from it, Mercury would show the effects of the house fourth from it. Venus of the house seventh from it and Saturn of the house ninth from it. Moon will cause effects of the house second to it at the time of its transit through the Equinoctial point.

103. Planets placed at the beginning of a sign produce effects beneficial or malefic in accordance with their association with or aspect by benefic or malefic planets and not at the end of the sign. All these principles are based on those contained in Samhitas (text) written by ancient astrologers.

104. Thus comes to close the Samhita Sanketa containing the essence extracted from various Samhitas-the sixth of Sanketa-nidhi-a work written by Rama Dayalu the astrologer, for thebenefit of Ghasi Ram Sharma, the son of his eldest brother, so that he may become proficient in astrology.End of the sixth Sanketa


In this Sanketa the Author deals with certain effects-good or bad which according to him have been described by our ancient sages and which are not generally found in other works. The author advises that in a birth chart all the twelve houses should be critically examined by the astrologers and only then the result should be declared.

2. From the first house should be considered everything about the natives body, complexion, marks or molds, longevity, manner of living, caste, temperament, happiness or otherwise. From the second house should be found out all about goods, precious stones, wealth minerals etc. possessed by the native and also about his friends. From the third house should be examined all matters relating to courage, brothers, servants, journeys and father.

3. From fourth house should be examined all about ancestral property, wealth, lands, dwelling place and mothers happiness. From the fifth house we should consider every thing about mantras, learning (education), means of earning money and children. All about ones arrest or imprisonment, diseases, the native is likely to suffer from enemies, maternal uncle and his family etc., should be considered from the sixth house. The seventh house deals with., matters relating to stolen or lost articles, wife or other women coming in contact with the native, losing of temper, partners in trade etc.

4. The 8th house is concerned with everything about places difficult to reach, lost articles, differences amongst members of the family, dead relations, mental trouble, and destruction by or of enemy. From the ninth house are considered matters relating to sources of profit or gains, happiness, pleasure, desires, luck and road (journeys). The tenth house deals with matters concerning meritorious deeds, business, gain of wealth, shraddha on deceased ancestors, etc. Matters like homage, gifts, king, gains of wealth, daughters, friends cattle, real and good effects are to be looked from the 11th house.

5. Various kinds of ditliculties; sufferings, caused obstacles by the enemy, imprisonment, etc. should be considered from 12th house by the pundits in astrology. In this connection all the effects mentioned in the previous Sanketas should also be kept in mind when the effects of a house are analysed. The disposition of two houses on each aide of the said house, seventh house, Ascendant and 12th from each of them should also be taken into account as they also influence the results. The effects are also influenced as a result of aspect on houses from planets in debilitation, exaltation, own signs etc.

6. The following points have also to be taken into consideration. 1) When the lord of a house be posited in its sign of debilitation he cannot be expected to yield favourable results. 2) When a planet in its sign of exaltation be associated with a planet in debilitation, it would give only medium results. 3) When a planet in its debilitation sign be associated with one in exaltation, it would also give medium results.

7. When a planet aspects fully a house the effects would be realised in the year signified by the number of the sign owned by that planet counted from Ascendant. The effects should be predicted in accordance with this principle for natives whole life by the addition of as many twelve year periods as may be necessary.

8. If the eflects of any planet posited at the beginning of a sign become manifest in the early years of the life of the native, the astrologers should predict after assessing the strength of the planet that such effects would be available only in the early life. If such planet be posited at the end of a sign, very ordinary or no results could be expected. Avasthas (postures) of the planets at birth should also be taken into account while declaring the effects of such planets. According to the author, such secrets of the science of Astrology can be known only by devotion to the preceptor.

9. If the lord of a house be associated with a malefic planet, occupies a dusthana, the sign owned by an inimical planet or its sign of debilitation and the house be also weak, the good effects of that house would be completely lost. The effect would be middling, if the lord of house be posited in a neutral position. The lords of quadrants and trines are capable of producing very beneficial results but they would be powerless to yield good results if posited in 2nd or 12th house to each other and be associated with malefics.

10. Find out the position of Moon three days before the day of birth. If at that time Moon was strong and was associated with or aspected by benefics, it should be predicted that the third year of life of the native would prove favourable to him. The result would be quite opposite if Moon was weak and associated with or aspected by malefics.

11. Similarly we can declare in respect of 7th 10th or 4th year of life of the native by finding out the disposition and strength of Moon 7, 10 or 4 days prior to the day of the birth of the native.

12. If we add the number indicated by planet to the number of house in which it be placed, the total would signify the year (since birth) in which the effect of the planet would be realised. Similarly if we multiply the two numbers, the product of the two would indicate in which year the effect of the planet would come to pass. For example, if we add the number of the sign in which Ascendant be posited to the number of the sign in which Ascendant lord be placed, or if we multiply the two numbers the total and the product would indicate the year (since birth) in which the results of the Ascendant Lord would be experienced by the native. If the Lords of Ascendant and house occupied by him be mutual friends, the effects would come off more accurately.

13. If planets strong during night-time be placed in night signs and planets strong during day-time if placed in day-signs, with the lord of Ascendant posited in the visible half, all the difficulties of the native would be solved and he would be happy and comfortable.

14. The native may expect auspicious results if the Lord of Ascendant and lord of the sign occupied by Moon be not associated with or aspected by malefics. Saturn being in its sign of debilitation or inimical sign, if posited in 4th, 10th or 5th, would not yield favourable results.

15. If a malefic planet be associated with or aspected by a benefic, it would be auspicious during its transit in several houses indicated in Gochara (transit) and Ashtakavarga (eight fold divisions). Similarly a planet, though he may be bene6c in Gochara and Ashtakavarga may give inauspicious results if he be associated with or aspected by a malefic. If the birth chart or Rasi chart (Janma Kundli) be strong, the effect has to be expected at the commencement of every twelve year cycle. The effect would be felt in the year denoted by the 30 year cycle if Navamsa be strong.

16. The native is likely to suffer from a terrible venereal disease on account of illicit sexual relations, if the lord of 7th house be not a benefic planet, be not posited in a sign owned by a benefic and be not associated with or aspected by a benefic and at the same time 7th house be under malefic influence. The effects of other houses, planets, etc. are to be assessed in a similar manner, and by favour of All-Mighty obtained through devotion.

17. Thus ends the special Sanketa of the Sanketanidhi, a work written by Shri Rama Dayalu the Astrologer, for the benefit of Shri Ghasi Rama, the son of his eldest brother, so that be may become proficient in Astrology.End of Sanketa Seven


1.The author in this Sanketa writes about Itthashala and other combinations which are useful in answering queries. Some other combinations found correct in practical experience have also been described in this Sanketa.

2. If a planet with faster movement goes ahead of another with slower motion during transit and throws a benefic aspect over it, and when planets are brilliant, the power of the faster planet is transmitted to the slower planet. This disposition is called Itthashala yoga.

3. If the faster planet is deficient by a minute in the sign in which it is placed, than the slower planet, Itthashala Yoga is complete. If however, the faster planet has travelled more than this limit, or is behind this limit, Itthashala yoga is not formed. If the faster planet travels away a degree or more than the slower one, Musaripha yoga would be formed which does not give beneficial results.

4. If there is no aspect formed between the Lord of Ascendant and the lord of house about which query has been raised and there is a planet in between them which is receiving aspect from both the planets, then this in-between planet would take away the extra brilliance from the faster planet and pass it on to one which is in front of it. This is called Nakta yoga and it is a benefic one.

5. In the case of three planets mentioned in previous if in-between planet is slower than both of the other two and is aspected by both of them, it becomes more brilliant in its rays, and by taking the extra brilliance of the quicker one gives the same to the slower one. This is called yamaya yoga.

6. When there is Itthashala yoga between the Lord of Ascendant and house to which the query relates, if Moon also forms Itthashala yoga with them, Kambula yoga is formed. The learneds are of the view that there are many kinds of kambula yoga due to varying influence of the rays of these planets.

7. Planets posited in Poorva chakra (invisible half of the zodiac) give effect which can be felt. Those in Apara chakra (visible half) are not of such nature.

8. In the case of a moveable sign, the three decanates would be in their order good, mixed and bad. In the case of a dual sign, the order would be reversed. In a fixed sign. they will be bad, good and mixed.

9-11. Success in the proposed venture would definitely result in the following combinations if there be aspect of Moon on them. 1) When Ascendant lord aspects it and the lord of house to which query relates, aspects the house concerned. 2) The Ascendant-lord aspects the house concerned and the lord of that house aspects Ascendant. 3) The Ascendant Lord posited in the house concerned aspects the lord of that house, and the Lord of that house posited in Ascendant aspects the Ascendant Lord. 4) The Ascendant lord and the lord of that house aspect each other. 5) The Ascendant lord be in Ascendant and the lord of the house concerned in that house. 6) The Ascendant Lord be in the house concerned and the lord of that house be in Ascendant and they do not aspect each other. 7) If the Ascendant lord and the lord of the house concerned be together in Ascendant or that house. 8) When at the time of query or birth the Ascendant lord and the lord of the house concerned be so associated together that they fill in the same Drekkana, same Hora or same Navamsa. In all these cases the effect would be in proportion to the strength of the planets concerned.

12. In the query chart, the subject of query would be in accordance with the indication of the planets concerned as given below: Mars-about self; Jupiter-about wife or some other woman; Moon-about mother; Mercury-about brothers; Venus-about family; Rahu or Saturn-about enemies; Sun-about father.

13. In this sloka guidance has been given to find out the subject which the querist has in mind. We should first find out who between the Ascendant lord and the 11th lord is stronger in Shadbala. We should then note the position of Moon as reckoned from the stronger planet. The querist may be said to be thinking about the matter pertaining to house in which Moon be posited.

14. The querist may have that subject in his mind which is concerned with: 1) The house with the lord of which Moon is in Itthashala yoga; 2) The house whose lord is in Itthashala Yoga with the Ascendant Lord, or 3) The house of the strongest planet among (a) Moon (b) a strong planet and (c) that occupied by the Ascendant lord.

15. If at the time of query, a strong Sun together with Mars be in quadrant or they aspect a quadrant, the querist would be thinking of a mineral. If Saturn and Mercury be both strong and posited in a quadrant or aspect a quadrant, the querist would be thinking of a plant or a root. When Moon, Jupiter and Venus be posited in a quadrant or if they aspect a quadrant, the querist would have a living creature in mind. The surmise would come out more accurately, when the quadrant happens to be Ascendant itself.

16. A-varga, Ka-varga, Cha-varga, Ta-varga, Tha-varga, Pa-varga, Ya-varga, Sha-varga, are respectively the vargas owned by Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon. (Moon owns Pa-varga and Sha-varga). If the first letter of query happens to be odd or even one of a group and if that group be owned by a planet owning two houses (signs) the odd or even sign of that planet should be taken as Ascendant.

17. On a cloudy day Ascendant has to be settled through the letters coming out of the lips of the querist. In any query these letters carry with them auspicious or inauspicious effects according as the letters happen io belong to odd or even group of the light groups mentioned in previous sloka. These eight groups correspond to the following eight forms; (1) banna (2) smoke (3) lion (4) dog, (5) cow, (6) donkey, (7) elephant (8) crow. Out of these banna, lion and elephant are auspicious. The even ones are inauspicious.

18. If a house has on one of its sides the Lord of the house and on the other a benefic friendly planet thus forming a benefic Durdhura Yoga and if seventh house reckoned from this house has a benefic planet not associated with a malefic, auspicious results of the house get augmented. If Jupiter aspected by Moon in Ascendant or when all the planets be in biped signs, good results may be expected.

19. If at the time of putting query, the querist unintentionally touches his thumb, ear, face, breasts, hand, nostrils, loin, shoulder, sole of the foot, temple, head, genital or lips, and talks or hears of his object. The querist would definitely meet with success in his cherished desires.

20. There are 12 Avasthas of Moon according to sign occupied by it. They are as under:01) Aries02) Taurus03) Gemini04) Cancer05) Leo06) Virgo07) Libra08) Scorpio09) Sagittarius10) Capricorn11) Aquarius12) Pisces Marga (way)Kshati (injury)Mriti (death)Jaya (victory)Hasita (laughter)Rati (sexual pleasure)Kreeda (Play)Prasupti (sleepliness)Bhuji (eating)Roga (sickness)Chain (moving)Sthira (still)
The results of the avasthas would be according to the meanings conveyed by these words. These are useful to find out an auspicious time for undertaking a journey and for Prasna Kundalis.

21. If we count from the sign occupied by Sun up to Ascendant (Prasnn Lagna), and get an odd number, the result would be favourable; if such number be even unfavourable. Another method of finding out the result quickly is to count the number of letters emanating from the querists mouth. This number may be multiplied by 2 and product divided by 3. If the remainder be 1, it would be auspicious. The resuit would be unfavourable if the remainder be zero or 2.

22. If at the time of a query benefics be posited in quadrants and trines and the malefics in houses 3, 6 and 11 and Ascendant of the query chart falls in a Shirshodaya sign i.e. sign rising by head [Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarius], the success in the matter under reference would be assured. Another method of finding out instantly the result of query is to Count the number of letters coming out of the mouth of the querist. This number should be multiplied by 6 and 8 be added to the product. The sum so arrived at should then be divided by 7. If the remainder is 2, 4, 5 or 6. rood and favourablc results (success in undertaking under reference or consideration) should be declared by the Astrologer.

23. If there be malefics in houses 6, 7 and g from prasna lagna the querist would suffer loss of wealth, distress, would suffer from diseases and on account of enemies also. If the lord of prasna lagna be associated with malefics then also the results would be the same and the native would lost peace of mind.

24. If at the time of query whether marriage would take place or not, a strong Moon be posited in 7th. 6th, 2nd. 3rd, 10th, or 11th house from Ascendant, and be also aspected by 8 strong Jupiter, it should be predicted that the querist would get a beautiful girl in marriage without any effort. If, however, Moon be associated with or aspected by malefics and posited in 4th lst, 5th, 9th, 8th or 12th. there would be impediments.

25. If in a query chart, a strong Moon be posited in 7th, 6th, 3rd, 10th or 11th and aspccted by Sun, Mercury and Jupiter the native would get in marriage a very beautiful girl whom he loves very much. The same would be the result if (1) the 12th lord in Ascendant and the Ascendant lord in 12th; (2) 7th Jord and Ascendant lord exchange places; (3) If Venus and Moon be in their even or exaltation signs.

26. The querist would get a beautiful girl in marriage if either of the following combinations exists in the query chart: 1) Ascendant falls in Taurus, Libra or Cancer and is associated with or aspected by benefics. 2) Strong Moon and Venus are posited in even signs and even Nawamsas and aspect Ascendant.

27. If Moon be in 8th, 6th or 1st and malefics be posited in 7th to Ascendant or Moon, the married girl becomes a widow eight years after her marriage. If 5th house from Prasna Lagna be occupied by a malefic and it aspected by inimical planets, is also in its debilitation sign, the married girl would develop illicit relations with other men or would become barren.

28. If at the time of query, it is dark half of the lunar month and Moon aspected by malefics be in 6th or 8th house, the querist would have no marriage. If Moon and Venus be both associated with maletics the first wife would die soon after marriage. If the lord of 7th be in 12th, 6th, 9th or 1st, and associated with malefics or if the lord of 7th be in its debilitation sign and associated with malefics, the first wife would die soon after marriage.

29. If there be a query about safe delivery in the case of a pregnant woman the Janmna Rasi (the sign in which Moon be posited of the child to be born would be 5th or 7th sign from the position of Moon in the query chart. It may also be 5th or 7th sign reckoned from Navamsa sign occupied by Moon in the query chart. When Moon transits the sign owned by the lord of Navamsa, delivery may take place.

30. If at the time of query, the lords of 5th house and Ascendant be posited in even signs, the issue would be a girl. If they occupy odd signs, the child would be a boy. If the lords of Ascendant and the sign occupied by Moon be in 5th house, it is to be predicted that the foetus is safe in the womb.

31. If there be a query from a personas to when his wife would conceive, the position of Mars and Venus should be considered as Mars is blood and Venus is semen. The answer should be that conception would take place in the year when Mars and Venus with adequate strength are conjoined in 1st or 5th house. If Mars and Saturn be together in Ascendant, the foetus would be destroyed. The same would be the result if Moon be posited in the sign of Mars or Saturn and aspected by Mars or Saturn.

32. If there be a query whether the child to be born would be male or female, the answer that a male issue would be born can be given if Saturn occupies Navamsa of a biped sign. It would not be so if Saturn be in this disposition in Ascendant. A male issue would be born if Saturn be in a biped sign and aspected by a male planet. In all other cases the issue would be female. A male issue would be born if Jupiter and Sun be posited in an odd house from Prasna Lagna. If Mars, Moon and Venus with adequate strength be posited in an even house, the issue to be born would be female.

33. Another method of finding out whether the child to be born would be male or female is by ascertaing the number indicated by letters constituting the name of the pregnant woman. The number of Tithi on the date of query may be added to the name number. 15 may be added to this sum and the result devided by 9. If the remainder be even, the issue would be female; if odd, male.

34. If there be a query whether a journey would be undertaken or not, and if so when, the answer would be that the journey would be performed soon if the Prasna Lagna falls in a moveable sign owned by a benefic. Similar prediction should be made if the query be about someone coming. If Ascendant falls in a fixed sign, there would neither be a journey nor a return. If Ascendant falls in a dual sign the indication would be that there may be a journey and return. However, in all cases the answer should be in the affirmative, if a strong Moon aspects Prasna Lagna.

35. If at the time of query a malefic planet occupies 1st, 7th or 10th the results would not be favourable. If the query be as to when a person who has gone abroad would return home, his safe return may be predicted if Jupiter and Venus be in 2nd and 3rd houses. He would return very soon if Jupiter and Venus be in 2nd or 3rd. If Jupiter and Venus be in 4th and aspected by a strong Moon, the safe return of the traveller may be predicted.

36-37. Prasna Lagna falls in a moveable sign and one of the four planets-Saturn, Mercury, Venus (all in direct motion) and Sun be in Ascendant, the querist would set out on his journey soon. If Prasna Lagna falls in a fixed sign and Saturn and Jupiter occupy or aspect Ascendant, the querist would not start on his journey. The same would be the result if in the first mentioned disposition, Saturn, Mercury or Venus be retrograde in motion.

38. If there be no malefics in quadrants and no other malefic inffuence on them, the houses 11, 10 and 1 be occupied by benefics, and Moon be in 8th, the traveller who has gone abroad would safely return home and with some gain.

39. If 7th or 6th house be occupied by a planet and Jupiter posited in a quadrant, the traveller who has gone abroad, would return home. If Venus and Mercury be in 9th or 5th and Moon in 7th in a moveable sign, it should be predicted that the traveller is on his way home.

40. The traveller should be said to be ill if Saturn associated or aspected by maletics be in 9th house. The same a would be the result if Sun and Moon aspected by Saturn be in 8th. There should not be much cause for anxiety if 8th house be aspected by powerful benefics. The presence of Mercury and Venus in 8th is auspicious for the traveller but Mars and Saturn in 8th give unfavourable results.

41. The return of the person who has gone away from his home, should be predicted if the lord of 7th house from Prasna lagna be retrograde in motion. The return would be in a month in which the retrograde motion begins. Another method to determine the time of return is to take into account the distance between the strongest planet in the query chart and Ascendant. The return would be in as many months as there be signs between Ascendant and the strongest planet. The actual number of days that may elapse before the return of the traveller would be indicated by the product of the number denoting the house (counted from Ascendant) occupied by the strongest planet and 12.

42. If at the time of query Sun and Moon be in 4th, neither the traveller nor his rival would return. If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be 4th, both the traveller and his rival would return. If Prasna Lagna falls in a fixed sign and the Moon be posited in a dual sign, the rival would return. If Ascendant be in a fixed sign and Moon in a moveable sign, it should be predicted that ill-rival would come back.

43. If at the time of query, all the planets be placed in 2nd, 3rd and 5th houses, it should be declared that the person, who has been away for a long time would return home. If benefics be posited in these houses, the lost or stolen property would be recovered. If Jupiter and Venus be posited in any of the above houses it should be concluded that traveller and his rival would come back soon. The same should be predicted if strong planets be posited in Panaphara houses (2,5,8,11).

44. If Saturn occupies 9th from Prasna Lagnn together with malefics, the traveller should be declared to be ill. If Saturn associated with or aspected by malefics be placed in 8th, the illness would prove fatal. If Sun posited in 8th, the traveller should be associated or aspected by benefics be said to have gone to other countries.

45. The return of the person away from his home or his rival would be in as many days as would be signified by the number of houses intervening between Ascendant and the house in which Moon is placed (there being no other planet between these two houses). Benefics in 2nd, lath, 1st and 5th would prove auspicious. Not Moon but a benefic in 1st would prove good.

46. Let us find out the number of letters that have come out of the lips of the querist. That number may be multiplied by 6 and 1 may be added to the product. The sum so arrived at may be divided by 7. The effects to be declared about the person who has gone away from his home would be as follows as the remainder is from 1 to 7: 1. The traveller is anxious to return. 2. He is now half way. 3 He is coming back soon. 4. He is coming back with gains. 5. He is sick. 6. He is in distress. 7. He is making efforts to come back. If the lord of the 2nd house be not in retrograde motion the traveller should be said to be quite safe.

47. Let us note the figure of the Yatra Lagna i.e. Ascendant at which the person originally started on his journey, These figures be multiplied by the number indicated by the degrees intervening between Prasna Lagna and the position of Moon. The product be then divided by 30. The quotient would indicate the exact time in days, Ghaties etc. at which the person away from home would return.

48. If there be a strong malefic in Prasna Lagna, the querist would win. If there be a malefic in 7th house, the querist would loose and put to loss. If there be a benefic in Ascendant the querist would lose. He would win if there be a benefic in 7th house. The result would be reversed if we take into account the aspects of benefics and malefics on Ascendant and 7th house. If Ascendant be aspected by benefics the result wou:d be favourable to the querist. The aspect of malefics on Ascendant would bring out unfavourable results for the querist. Similarly aspects of benefic on 7th house would be unfavourable and of the malefics favourable for him.

49. The six houses bzgnining from 3rd house from Prasna Lagna relate to the citizens of the town. If benefics be posited in these houses they indicate success to the town. The six houses beginning from 9th belong to sthayi class. Benefics placed in these houses bring success to that party. If all the bellefics occupy 1st, 10th, 7th and 9th houses, the sthayi becomes powerful and capable of destroying the enemy.

50. If Mars and Saturn be placed in 9th house there would be complete defeat for the sthayi people. If all the malefics be posited in 10th, 11th and 12th houses, there would be defeat for the sthayi people. If three benefics viz , Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be in Ascendant, they would bring about success for the sthayi class. If Sun, Saturn Moon, Rahu and Mars be all in 7th house, they would also bring about success to the sthayi people.

51. If out of five planets mentioned in the last portion previous sloka, three or more occupy Ascendant they would cause defeat and loss to the sthayi people. If they be benefics, it indicates good for these people. If these planets be placed in 10th and 4th houses, a compromise would be reached between the two parties. The same result would follow when Ascendant be in a male sign or benefic be posited in 1st, 11th and 12 the houses. If malefics be posited in quadrants in dual signs, there would be declaration of war.

52. If there be a query about success or defeat, and Ascendant be Aries Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio or Aquarius success may be predicted for the querist. This result would become more definite when a strong benefic occupies or aspects Ascendant.

53. If at the time of query about the theft of an article Prasna Lagna and Navamsa fall in a fixed sign, it should be predicted that the article has been stolen by some relation of the querist who is in the same house or living nearby and not by an outsider and that the article is hidden at some place in the house or near it. If Ascendant and Navamsa fall in a moveable sign it should be said that the article has been stolen by a person not related to the querist but known to him and it has been taken away to a. distant place. If Ascendant and Navamsa fall in a dual sign, the prediction should be that the theft has been committed by an outsider not unknown to the querist and has been kept at a place which is neither far nor near. The direction of the place where the stolen property has been kept would be signified by the position of Moon i.e. if Moon be in Ascendant it would be east; if in 10th it would be south; if in 7th it would be west and if in 4th it would be north.

54. If at the time of query, Ascendant receives aspect from Sun and Moon, the thief would be a re!ntion of the querist. If the lords of Ascendant and 7th house be in Ascendant the thief would be a member of the family of the querist. If the lord of 7th be posited in 12th or 3rd house, the thief would be a paid servant living near by. If at the time of the query the querist stretches out his hand the thief should be said to be a person not connected with his family. If he keeps his hands down, the thief would be one belonging to the family of the querist.

55. If at the time of query Ascendant falls in a moveable sign, the name of the thief would be made up of two letters; if Ascendant he in a fixed sign, the name would be of four letters and if Ascendant be in a dual sign, the name would contain three letters. If the lord of 7th be posited in its own or exaltation sign, the thief would be an expert one. The age, caste, birth etc. of the thief would be similar to that declared for the lord of Ascendant.

56. The stolen article would be recovered if any of the following combination exists in the query chart: 1) Full Moon with adequate strength be in Ascendant aspected by Jupiter and Venus. 2) Ascendant falls in a Sheershodaya sign with a benefic posited in it. 3) 3rd, 2nd nnd 1 Ith houses from Prasna Lagna are occupied by benefics. 4) Benefics are posited in 4th, 7th and 10th houses.

57. Gains of wealth are given by the lord of 11th and the lord of ascendant is the beneficiary there would be abundant gains of wealth if the lords of Ascendant and 11th be together and receive aspect of Moon. The direction from which gains may be expected would depend on the strongest planet posited in a quadrant or the direction signified by the sign of Ascendant. The form, appearance etc. may be ascertained through the Drekkana in which Ascendant falls at the time of the query.

58-60. All the cherished desires of the querist would be fulfilled if the lords of 10th and Ascendant possess adequate strength and Moon with similar strength be related to the stronger between the above two planets. To assertain the time limit for the fulfilment of desires the longitude of Sun may be deducted from the longitude of Moon. Then we may find out the star indicated by the remainder and add 1 star to this and the number in days assigned to that particular star in the statement given below for the 27 stars reckoned from Aswini. Another method of finding out the time limit is as follows. The longitude of Ascendant may be deducted from the longitude of 10th house. If the longitude of 10th be smaller, 12 signs may be added to it. The remainder should b- converted into degrees and be trebled. The result should be divided by 60. The remainder would indicate the number of days for the accomplishment of the object in case Ascendant be in a moveable sign. If Ascendant be in a fixed sign, the number got above should be doubled. If in a dual sign, the number should be trebled.

61. Another method of calculating the time is as follows: The number of Navamsas that have risen in Ascendan would denote the period required, the unit of time taken being Ayana that year Kshana, Second Dina Day, Ritu Season Masa Month, Paksha fortnight and Abda year, according as the lord of Navamsa in question happens to be Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. That is, if Leo be the rising Navamsa, that time indicated would be four Ayanas and odd or a period between 24 and 30 months and soon. Or, it would be as many units as measured by the number of Navamsas traversed by the lord of rising Navamsa from Ascendant Navamsa, the unit taken being the one appropriate to the planet owning the rising Navamsa.

62. Thus is completed the Prasna Sanketa, the 8th one of the Sanketanidhi, a work written by Shri Ram Dayalu the Astrologer for the benefit of Shri Ghasi Ram Sharma the son of his eldest brother.End of Sanketa Eight


1. If at the time of query, Ascendant falls in the Hora of Sun, the querist would not enjoy happiness in his childhood. Later by his own efforts he would get a lift in life and become wealthy. If Ascendant falls in the Hora of Moon, the querist would be happy in his childhood and face difficulties in his later life.

2. If the lord of Hora in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, be associated with a malefic and a retrograde planet, the eyes and face of the querist would not be good looking. He would have an ugly face with deformed teeth, tongue, lips etc. if Sun and Moon together or Moon saparately be under the influence of two malefics.

3. The figure signified by the sign occupied by the Lord of Drekkana (Decanade) in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, would indicate the number of brothers the querist would have. If this lord of Drekkana be associated with or aspected by benefic, the brothers would be longlived, otherwise their longevity would be poor. The relationship amongst the brothers would depend on the nature of planet or planets associated with above mentioned lord of Drekkana.

4. If the lord of drekkana be associated with male benefic planets, the querist would be having brothers, if the planet be male, sister. If Ascendant falls in a male sign, brothers would be born after him, if it falls in a female sign sisters would be born. If the lord of Ascendant and the lord of Drekkana in which Ascendant falls be friends, there would be happiness in respect of brothers and sisters. If the Lord of the Drekkana be in 6th or 8th house, from the Lord of Ascendant brothers and sisters would suffer from injuries on account of their own deeds.

5. If the lord of Drekkana in which Ascendant falls at the time of query be in 6th or 8th house and associated with a malefic, the querist would die as a result of falling stone or tree If he survives, he would be hated by his relations. If the above lord of Drekknna be associated with a waning Moon and a malefic, the body of the querist would be fully hairy or he may suffer from some disrase of the ear or may have some trouble in his back.

6. If the said lord of Drekkana be posited in 8th house with Sun and Mars who have adequate strength, the native would die through lightening or sun-stroke. If the said lord be associated with Venus and Jupiter, the native would meet his death by poisoning. If the Drekkana lord be in 6th, there would be a mark or spot in the hands of the native.

7. Similar conclusions may be arrived at with regard to the natives, or querists family, brothers, relations etc., through the malefics occupying the corresponding decanates. It is through the 22nd decanate reckoned from the rising one or through its lord that the death of the person concerned and its nature should be determined.

8. The birth of male issue and his happiness or prosperity should be predicted if Saptamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query be an odd one and be occupied by or aspected by benefics. The same would be combination for a female issue if Saptamsa of Ascendant falls in an even sign. There would be no issue if the rising Saptamsa be under malefic influence. This is what the wise men say.

9. The native or querist would have the good fortune to get a beautiful girl with very fine qualities as his life partner, if the lord of Navnmsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query, occupies the Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa of its own or if it be associated with or aspected by benefic planets with adequate strength and without any malefic influence.

10. Of the lord of Navamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of the birth or query be a. benefic one and posited in a quadrant, the marriage of the native or quetist would take place at the age of 16 (we should say at an early age). If the lord of such Navamsa be in a trine the marriage would take place at the age of 25. If Navamsa of Ascendant or Navamsa of 7th house be associated with a malefic planet, the native or querist would not enjoy marital happiness.

11. The native or the querist would have the same good fortune and prosperity as his father, if at birth or at the time of query the lord of Dwadasamsa in which Ascendant falls, occupies Ascendant. If such lord of Dwadasamsa be in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native and his parents would not enjoy bodily happiness. If the lord of such Dwadasamsa be posited in llth, the native would get and enjoy the hidden wealth of his parents. It would not be so if such planet be in its debilitation sign, eclipsed or malefic.

12. If the lord of the Trimsamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query, be a malefic planet, eclipsed or in its sign of debilitation, the native would have misunderstanding with his relations. If such lord of Trimsamsa be in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native may earn the displeasure of the King/Government. If such planet be associated with a benefic the native would enjoy happiness in every way.

13-14. Information about the following matters is ascertained from various planets as under: Sun-Ownself, vitality, influence, father, etc. Moon-Leanings of the heart, mind, understanding, royal favour, mother, wealth. Mars-Own courage, mother, characteristic qualities, lands and happiness. Mercury-Intelligence, speech, religious act, scientific knowledge, and good or bad bringing up. Jupiter-Own lands, wealth, clothes physical development children, fame, horses etc. Venus-Ones kept women, wife, sexual power, conveyance, enjoyment and marriage. Saturn-Longevity, livelihood, distress and adversity. Predictions should be made by a well-versed astrologer after carefully and intelligently assessing the strength of respective planets, and several effects they are capable of producing which have been described above. However, it should be kept in mind that Saturn is capable of giving bad results when strong, as compared to other planets.

15-20. In these slokas the author gives a description of his family tree. There lived a famous scholar named Satee Ram who was born in the most respected Gangarha family. He was like Moon of the ocean. He commanded the respect of the Brahmins and the King. Even the great nobles of the time touched his feet out of reverence for him. Satee Ram had a son named Jyoteeraya who was famous for his good qualities and rose to high status and was recognised for his knowledge and was respected by learned men. Jyoteeraya had a son named Kripa Ram who was learned like his ancestors and was respected by both the rich and the poor. He was capable of solving intricate problems posed by the scholars. Kripa Ram had a son named Jaspati Sharma who was also very learned in shastras. He was inclined towards righteous action and was devoted to God Shiva and Goddess Durga. Jaspati Sharma had four sons. The eldest of these sons was Ameer Chandra who died in the life time of his father. The son younger to him was Vazir Chandra who was second to none in fame and was a leader amongst the learned men. Vazir Chandras next younger brother was Musaddi Ram who was greatly devoted to Lord Vishnu. The youngest of the brothers was Shri Rama Dayalu who lived in Amritsar. He was a devotee of Shiva, a staunch Advatin and foremost amongst scholars. He composed this work Sanketanidhi-a treasure of indications in Vikram Samvat, 1917 (1860 A.D.)This auspicious work consisting of nine Sanketas is dedicated with all humility to all who are magnanimous enough not to expose the fault of others and who are inclined to the service of God and so it should be read by those who are modest and humble.Thus comes a successful end of the last Sanketa of the work Sanketanidhi, a work composed by Shri Rama Dayalu for the benefit of Ghasi Ram son of Vazir Chandra.