


 Chapter 1

 Samjna Adhyaya

1-2. Having bowed with delight and devotion to 91) the big-bellied God (Ganesha), the above of success, (2) Sarsvathi, the Goddess of Speech, (3) the group of planets headed by the Sun and (4) to his own preceptor who is enshrined in the lotus of his heart – by the remembrance of the lotus-like feet of whom all various desires attain their immediate accomplishment, and the chains of mountains in the form of obstacles disappear quickly -, Ganeshakavi clearly expounds the divine Science of Horoscopy, wherein lie erudite statements, which bestows great benefit on people, and which is the very life of Astrologers, in the form of verses composed in the Sragdhara meter, just as Sridharaswami interpreted the Bhagavata, which emanated from the mouth of Sage Suka, which contains good ideas (in the case of horoscopy, the 12 Bhavas), which has simple meanings and which is ennobled by the Angas of the yogic system (in the other case- has various combinations of planets and the Pancha angas.)

  1. With the permission of God Siva and also of my Jupiter Siva, I, Ganesha, the astrologer, begin to explain this important science of Horoscopy, which emanated first from the lips of Suka in cryptic form and deep in meaning, in beautiful verses of Sragdhara meter for the edification and pleasure of the people.
  2. There is no doubt many scholars who shine in the field of literature by their own superior intelligence; but still they drive immense pleasure from acquainting themselves with the intellectual faculty of others. For, the great ocean abounding in gems and being the origin of Goddess Lakshmi, Kalpa Tree and the quality of Greatness, does not in any way abandon its limits of propriety.
  3. The body, wealth, valour, happiness, children, enemy, wife, death, luck or prosperity, position or status, gain or income and expenditure-these, in their order are the things comprehended by the 12 Bhavas from the Ascendant onwards. Out of them, the first house is considered to be the body which is the asylum of happiness of the native; and it is from that house alone that the good and bad effects of the native are to be determined by the Astrologers.
  4. The Ascendant or the first house is termed Murti (form), Anga (limb), Thanu (body), Udaya (Ascendant), Vapus (body), Kalpa and Adya. The second house is named Sva, Kosa (treasure, wealth), Artha, Kutumba and Dhana. the 3rd, Bhratru and Duschikya are the appellations for the third house. The fourth house is known as Ambaa (mother), Patala (nadir), Turya, Hibuka, Griha, Suhrid (friend), Vahana (vehicle), Yana, the 4th (relation), Ambu (water), Neera and Jala. The fifth house is termed Tanaya (children), Buddhi (intellect), Vidya (learning) and Atmaja (issue).
  5. The fifth house is also known as the house of Vak (speech) and Tanuja (issue). The sixth house is termed Ripu, Dwesha, Vairi and Kshata (wound). The seventh is known as, Jamitra, Asta, Smara, Madana, Mada, Dyuna and Kama. The eighth house is called the 8th, Ayus, Chhidra, Yamaya (of Yama), Nidhana, Layapada (house of extinction) and Mrityu (Death). The ninth is designated as Jupiter, the 9th, Subha, Tapas (penance) and Marga (a route).
  6. Father, command, honour, profession, rank or position, Gagana (Sky), Nabhas, Vyoma (mid heaven), Meshurana, Madhya and Vyapara are terms used to denote the 10th house. The 11th house is known as house, Agama (income), Praapti and Aaya. The twelfth house is called by the Sages, Pranthya, Anthima and Rippha. If there are more appellations, they should be applied by the learned, after due deliberation, to the respective Bhavas to signify their particular functions.
  7. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th places are denoted by the wise as Kendra houses; the 5th and 9th as Trikonas; the 8th, 11th, 5th and 2nd houses are known as Panapharas; the 9th, 12th, 6th and 3rd are termed Apoklima houses. The four Kendra houses are also known as Kantaka and Chatushtaya. The 6th, 8th and 12th houses are known as Trika.
  8. The friends of the Sun are the Moon, Jupiter and Mars. The Moon’s friends are the Sun and Mercury. The friends of Mars are Jupiter, the Moon and the Sun. Mercury’s friends are Venus and the Sun. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are the friends of Jupiter. Mercury and Saturn are the friends of Venus. Saturn’s friends are Venus and Mercury. The neutrals of the Sun and other planets are respectively (1) Mercury, (2) all, (3) Venus and Saturn, (4) Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, (5) Saturn, (6) Mars and Jupiter and (7) Jupiter. The rest are enemies.
  9. A planet casts a quarter glance at the 3rd and 10th houses; half a glance at the 9th and 5th, three-quarters of a glance at the 8th and 4th and a full eye at the 7th. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter are respectively the lords of the signs from Aries onwards.
  10. In this beautiful work named Jatakalankara which is composed of charming verses, the chapter on ‘Definitions’ containing 10 good verses has been composed by Sri Ganesha for the delectation of the scholars.

Chapter 2

Bhava Adhyaya

  1. Having collected all the beautiful and excellent utterances (fruits that emanated from the mouth of) made by Sage Suka in this world, I am now going to describe the several effects beginning from the Ascendant house, effects which give entire satisfaction to the whole class of distinguished astrological experts. If there should be anything inconsiderate in my sayings, I crave, oh Scholars, your forgiveness for the same.
  2. If the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 12th, the 6th or the 8th house in conjunction with a malefic planet, the native will not have sound health. The same effect should be predicted if the lords of the 6th, the 8th, or the 12 occupy their own Rashis.
  3. If the lord of the Ascendant occupy the Ascendant in conjunction with Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, or be in a Kendra position, in his exaltation Rashi, in a friendly house, in the Rashi of a benefic planet, or be aspected by benefics, the native should be declared to possess a strong constitution. He will invariably be of a virtuous disposition, respected by all, possessed of every kind of wealth and will be intelligent. He will be clever in counsel, will be a leader of an army, will have beautiful eyes and will be the chief among his men.
  4. If the Ascendant be malefic (i.e., the planet owning the Ascendant be malefic), if the lord of the Ascendant occupy a house belonging to a malefic planet, if the Sun and the Moon be posited betwixt two malefic planets, or Mars occupy the 7th house either from the Sun or the Moon and Mercury occupy a Prishtodaya sign, the person born will be self-willed, blind, will do wicked deeds, will be addicted to women not his own, and will possess a worn-out constitution.
  5. The lord of the second house if occupying his own Rashi in conjunction with Jupiter will bestow one the native all kinds of wealth.

But if the lord of the 2nd is posited in a Kendra or a Dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th), the native will have much suffering and be without wealth.

If the lords of the 2nd and 12th houses in conjunction with Venus and the lord of the Ascendant occupy any of the bad places – 6th, 8th or 12th – the person born will be blind.

The Moon associated with a malefic planet and Venus in the 2nd House deprives the native his visual power.

  1. Venus in conjunction with the Moon occupying the 6th, 8th or 12th house in a nativity will make him night-blind.

The lord of the Ascendant in conjunction with the Sun and Venus will make the native blind from his very birth.

Similarly, if the lords of the places signifying the father, the brother, the mother, the son and wife of the native are thus posited (as described above), the intelligent astrologer ought to predict blindness to the respective relative concerned with the native.

  1. If at birth, the lord of the 3rd house and Mars occupy the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the person concerned will be deprived of his relations.

But if the lord of the 3rd house should be in his own house, and be aspected by a benefic planet, the person will have brothers.

If the said lord of the 3rd house be in conjunction with benefics, the native will be happy.

If the lord of the 3rd house be in conjunction with malefics, the effects will be the reverse.

All these should be intelligently guessed.

  1. If the lord of the 4th house occupies his own sign in conjunction with a benefic planet or the lord of the 9th house, the person born will be a feudatory king.

If the lord of the 4th be in the Ascendant aspected by Jupiter, the native will be honored by a king.

If the lord of the 4th be in the 11th and at the same time aspect the 4th, he will bestow on the native (a plethora of wished for conveyances) a good supply of conveyances suited to his rank.

  1. If the lord of the 4th house occupies his own sign in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant, the native will either become the owner of a house all of a sudden, or come in contact with (new) friends. If the said lord occupy other places, the above effect does not happen.

Find how many malefics there are in conjunction with the lords of the 2nd, 10th, 4th and 12th Bhavas and posited in the 6th, 8th, 12th or Bhavas; so many will be the houses that will be consumed by fire or these planets may cause some kind of grief to the native.

  1. Find the number of planets that are posited in the 4th house and do not come under the aspect of benefics; so many will be the good conveyances destroyed. Again, find the number of malefic planets which occupy the 12th and 8th houses and are aspecting the 4th house; so many will be the vehicles becoming useless. Propitiation should be suggested by the wise to ward off such evil and make these vehicles auspicious to the owner.
  2. If the lord of the 5th house singly or along with Jupiter and Mercury be in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the Ascendant, the person concerned will be devoid of learning.

If they should occupy the 9th house, their own or one of the Kendra houses, the native will be learned.

If at birth the planets concerned be in their infancy or advanced age, the person will have a rather dull understanding.

But if the planet should occupy his own house, he will remove the above defect and make the person born shrewd.

  1. The lord of the 5th house or Jupiter is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th will make the person born dumb.

Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.

Similarly, the lords of the houses denoting the father and other relations, if conjoined with either of the above-said two planets and badly placed (i.e., in the 6th, 8th or 12) will result in the particular relative typified, being devoid of speech.

If the lord of the 5th house reckoned from the planet owning the 5th house be posited in a Dusthana and the lords of the 5th, 9th and first houses occupy the 8th, 6th and 12th houses in any nativity, the yoga indicates childlessness.

  1. If the lords of the above-said houses viz., (1st, 5th and 9th) be conjoined with benefics, there will be progeny, but only after some delay.

If Kataka happens to be the 5th house and the Moon be posited therein, the native will have daughters and a few sons.

If a malefic should occupy the 5th place with respect to Jupiter identical with the 5th house, the native will be bereft of children.

If Saturn occupy a Rashi happening to be the 5th from his own, the native will have only one son.

  1. If Saturn be in Aquarius identical with the 5th house the native will have 5 sons.

If Saturn be in Capricorn in the 5th house he will have 3 daughters.

If Mars should occupy Capricorn in the 5th house the number (of daughters) will be 3.

In the case of Mercury in the 5th house, the issues will be daughters.

When Venus and Moon occupy Capricorn as the 5th house (Virgo lagna), the issues will be daughters.

Should Jupiter be posited singly in that Rashi identical with the 5th, there will be 5 sons.

When Aries, Taurus or Kataka happens to be the 5th and is occupied by Rahu or Ketu, there will not be any delay in progeny.

  1. If a malefic planet or Jupiter occupy the 4th house and the Moon be posited in the 5th or the 8th, progeny may be delayed for a period of 30 years.

As many malefics as there are in the 5th house devoid of benefic aspect, so many years delay in progeny will be the result.

  1. If the childlessness be due to Mercury and Venus, it can be got over through deeds of charity; if it be to the Moon, by the worship of Sankara; if to Jupiter, through hymns talismans and herbs; if to Saturn, Mars or the Sun, through magical powers; if to Rahu and Ketu, through the worship of the family deity; if it be due to Mercury, Jupiter and the lord of the 9th, the same can be got over very soon (in the manner stipulated in the Sacred Texts).
  2. If the lord of the 6th house conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, the native will have ulcers in the body. Prediction of the existence of wounds may be similarly made in the case of the native’s mother, father, son, wife, relation, friend and the like.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is the Sun, the wound would be in the head.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is the Moon, the wound would be in the face.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Mars, the wound will be in the neck.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Mercury, the wound would be in the chest.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Jupiter, the wound would be in the navel region.

  1. When the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Venus, the wound will crop up in the eye or on the back.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Saturn, the ulcer will be in the foot.

If the lord of the 6th house, conjoined with a malefic be posited in the 1st or the 8th house, is Ketu or Rahu, the wound will be in the lower lip.

If the lord of the Ascendant occupy a house owned by Mars or Mercury and be aspected by these two planets, it should be understood by intelligent astrologers that the person concerned will have eye-disease whatever may be the house occupied by the said two planets.

  1. If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the Ascendant, the person born will be the destroyer of his enemy.

If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 2nd house, he will be very wicked and his (property) wealth will be taken possession of by his son.

If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 3rd house, he will be a source of misery to the village he lives in.

If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the 6th house, he will suffer from diseases.

Venus happening to be the lord of the 1st and 8th (Libra Ascendant) and occupying the 6th, he will cause a malady in the left and right eye respectively.

Saturn happening to be the lord of the 1st and the 8th house and occupying the 6th, he will cause a malady in the left and right foot respectively.

  1. If Rahu or Ketu occupy the 6th house, the person concerned will suffer from an ulcer in the teeth or the lips.

If Saturn occupy Dhanus or Taurus, identical with the Ascendant, the person concerned will not have much sexual desire.

If the lord of the ascendant be posited in a Rashi owned by Mars or Mercury and be aspected by an inimal planet wherever placed it may be, the wound be near the anus.

If the two planets – Mars and Saturn – occupy the 6th, the native will suffer from a disease pertaining to or caused by the said planets.

  1. If at a birth the Moon in conjunction with a malefic occupy the 6th house, the person concerned will be sickly.

When the Moon is posited in the Ascendant and is afflicted by malefics (either by conjunction or aspect), the effect will be the same as before.

If a malefic planet occupy a Kendra unaspected by any benefics, the native will suffer from disease. If the said malefic occupy the house of Venus and be not aspected by Mars, Jupiter or Venus, the same effect will result.

  1. If the lord of the 6th house be posited in the Ascendant and in a male sign identical with his own or exaltation Rashi and be aspected by malefics, the native will surely suffer from a secret disease in his body caused by an enemy.

When the lord of the 6th house in conjunction with Rahu or the Sun occupies the 12th, the person concerned will live in house of a different person and be employed in vile occupation.

  1. Note how many planets there are in the 7th house or are aspected by the lord of the 7th; so many will be the marriages (marital relationships) contracted by the native. Similar results may be guessed by an intelligent astrologer in the case of the native’s father, mother, brother, etc., in the family. The above statement should be made through the planets possessing superior strength and at the same time occupying the 7th or being aspected by the lord of the 7th. Such strength has been fixed at 6, 10 and 7 Rupes in the case of the Sun, the Moon and Mars respectively.
  2. If the planets that act as agents for the 7th house be posited in a Kendra or a Trikona, only one wife should be declared to the native.

If the lords of the 7th and 2nd house should occupy their own Rashis, only one wife should be declared to the native.If the lords of the 7th and 2nd house along with Venus occupy a Dusthana, conjoined with or aspected by malefics, so many will be the wives that are lost as are signified by the number of malefics.

  1. In the following 2 yogas viz:
  2. The Sun and the Ascendant and Saturn in the 7th,
  3. The Sun and Saturn in the 7th and Moon in the 10th devoid of Jupiter’s aspect, the wife will never conceive.
  4. If lord of the 6th, the Sun and Saturn be in the 6th and the Moon be aspected by Mercury posited in the 7th, the woman will be barren.
  5. If Mars and Saturn be in the 6th identical with a watery sign, the wife of the native will never conceive.
  6. If Venus, Jupiter and Mercury occupy the 8th house or be posited in fixed signs, the person born will necessarily (invariably) have to do very hard or painful duties, and he will be hard-hearted in disposition.

If the lord of the 8th be posited in the 11th, the person concerned will suffer misery during his younger days and become happy later.

If the above-mentioned planet be a malefic, the person will have only a short lease of life;

If he be conjoined with a benefic, the native will be long-lived.

  1. If the lord of the 8th house conjoined with a malefic occupy the 6th or the 12th house, the native concerned will be short-lived.

If the lord of the 8th in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant be similarly situated, i.e. be placed in the 6th or the 12th, then too, the native will have only a short lease of life.

If the lord of the 8th occupy the 8th, or if the lord of the 8th house reckoned from Saturn be posited in the 8th (from the Ascendant), in both cases, the native will be long-lived.

The lord of the 8th if placed in the 2nd (or in the 2nd from Saturn), will make the native a thief and a man having enemies.

  1. If the lord of the 8th and the 1st houses be weak and occupy the 8th and the 6th, the person concerned meets with his death in a battle, but if the said two planets be possessed of strength, the native will be victorious in war.

If lord of the 4th house be conjoined with Venus, the native will go in a palanquin.

If the lord of the 4th be in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant and the Moon and occupy the Ascendant, the native will return victorious with elephants.

If the lord of the 4th house conjoins with Jupiter in the Ascendant, the native will come back victorious with horses and elephants.

  1. If the lord of the 9th house occupy the Ascendant and be aspected by Jupiter, the native will command the respect of the sovereign.

If the lord of the 4th occupying the Ascendant and the owner of the 9th house both aspect their respective houses, the native will be a mine or store of every kind of prosperity.

If the lord of the 4th be posited in the 8th, the person concerned will become bereft of every kind of luck.

  1. Further, he will have bad (useless) vehicles; and he will become fickle-minded; so should those opine who are versed in the astrological science. If the lords of the 2nd, 1st and 4th houses should occupy their respective places and the owner of the 9th be posited in the 1st, the person concerned will be the owner of lordly elephants and master of a throne.

If the lord of the 9th house be posited in the 11th, the native will be respected by kings, will be long-lived and also virtuously disposed.

If the lords of the 2nd, 1st and 4th houses should occupy their respective places and the owner of the 9th be posited in the 1st, the person concerned will be the owner of lordly elephants and master of a throne.

  1. In the several yogas mentioned above, whichever planet has got the full strength and causes the yoga, it is only in his Dasha or Antardasha that the native will get his full prosperity due to the yogas.

If (1) Jupiter or Venus be conjoined with the lord of the 4th house and occupy a Kendra other than the 4th or a Trikona; (2) the lord of the 9th in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus occupy the 4th or the 9th, the person born in either of these two yogas will become a king and a master of a large number of vehicles.

32-33. If Mars occupy the 10th house, the native will be anxious about his agricultural operations.

If the planet (Mars) should be posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th, he will be thinking about his happiness.

If Jupiter be in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native will be anxious will be about vehicles, ornaments, clothes, horses etc.

If the Moon or Venus be in the 6th, 8th or 12th, the native will be anxious about chowries and umbrellas.

If Jupiter be in the 7th, the native will be anxious about one’s issues, protection of cattle, etc.

If Mercury occupy the 8th house, the mind will be intent in acquiring more knowledge.

If the 11th or a Trikona house be occupied by the Sun, the thought will be about one’s father or other relation.

If Venus occupy the 6th, 9th or 7th house, travel will engage the attention of the mind.

When Jupiter is in the 9th or 5th house, the person concerned will be thinking about his children and their welfare etc.

If the lord of the 10th house be devoid of strength at the time of a birth, the person concerned will be thoroughly inactive without doing any useful action worth the name.

If on the other hand, the lord of the 10th occupy his own place in conjunction with a benefic, the native will command the respect of others.

34-35. If the lord of the 1st, 8th and 11th houses be posited in the 11th, a Kendra or a Trikona house, the native will be long lived.

If malefics occupy Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th), 4th or 3rd house, he will be of medium life.

If the said planets be placed in Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th) houses, the native should be declared as short-lived.

Find which of the following is weak: viz., planets in the 8th, the lord of the Ascendant and the 10th houses and Saturn. Till the Dasha period of the weakest among them, the life of native will prolong.

If the lords of the 9th, 10th and the 5th house should occupy their own Rashis, the native will be virtuously disposed during the Dasha period of the strongest of them.

If on the contrary the said lords be not be so placed, (i.e., occupy other’s houses), the mental disposition also will be otherwise.

If the lords of the 1st and 8th houses be conjoined with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu and be posited in the 6th house, wounds will crop up during the Dasha of the stronger of the said two planets (viz., the lords of the 1st and the 8th).

36-37. If the lord of the 4th house occupy the 6th, the native will meet with his end through a carriage-accident, through thieves, or a weapon, according as the planet conjoining with it happen to be Saturn, Rahu or Ketu respectively.

All questions relating to the native’s prosperity, luck, etc., should be guessed through the 9th house that is, through the nature of the Rashi, its lord, the planet or planets occupying the house, the planets aspecting the house, etc. Similarly should matters relating to the Sovereign, or Government, ornaments, clothing, horses, great undertaking, etc., be ascertained from the 10th house; income, acquisition of everything should be thought of through the 11th house. Lastly, if the lord of the 12th house be posited in the Ascendant, the person born will be sweet-tongued and handsome. If the said planet occupy his own house, the native will be niggardly and low minded. He will own cattle of various kinds and will always be engaged in village politics. If the planet concerned be in the 9th house, the native will be intent on undertaking pilgrimages to holy shrines. He will be extremely virtuous and charitably disposed. When the planet is conjoined with a malefic in that house, the person concerned will commit sinful acts; he will destroy by corrupt means the entire wealth accumulated till then. Thus should be described by the wise the effects of the several yogas.

  1. In this beautiful work named Jatakalankara, the chapter on Bhavas has thus been composed with 37 charming verses by Ganesha, the learned astrologer for the delectation of the wise.

Chapter 3

Yoga Adhyaya

  1. It has been declared by the ancient Sages Vasishta, Suka, Parashara, etc., that the several yogas – whether good or bad in the nativities of human beings depend on the planets (constituting them), and that the effects in turn depend upon the yogas. Hence I am going to describe here, for the delectation of all the astrologers, these yogas after a due consideration of the valuable views expressed by Sage Suka.
  2. If the lord of the Rashi occupied by the Moon be weak and occupy the 5th or the 9th house, the person born will be wrathful.

If a malefic planet should occupy the Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendant be devoid of strength, the native concerned will be afflicted with diseases – both bodily and mental.

If the said lord be conjoined with the lord of the Ascendant and occupy any of the Dusthanas (6th, 8th or 12th) and the native will be emaciated.

If the lords of the 9th, 6th and 8th houses be conjoined with or aspected by malefics and be posited anywhere, the native concerned will be a cuckold.

  1. If the lords of the 6th and 8th houses occupy the 4th conjoined with Mars and the Moon, the native should be declared to have been born by the mother’s congress with one other than the lawful husband.

If the lord of the 9th and 8th houses be conjoined anywhere with malefics or with Rahu or Ketu, the same result (the native born by the mother’s congress with one other than the lawful husband) should be declared.

  1. If the said two lords be associated with Saturn, the native will have been (illegally) begotten by a Sudra.

If the said two lords be associated with Mercury, the native will have been (illegally) begotten by a Vaisya.

If the said two lords be associated with the Sun, the native will have been (illegally) begotten by a Kshatriya.

If the said two lords be associated the Venus or Jupiter, the native will have been (illegally) begotten by a Brahmin.

If Venus and Jupiter conjoined with a malefic should occupy the 7th, the 6th or the 2nd, the native will have a liaison with another man’s wife.

If the lords of the 10th and the 6th be conjoined and occupy the 10th, the father of the native will have intrigues with other people’s wives.

  1. If the lord of the Ascendant be posited in the 2nd house in conjunction with a malefic, the father of the native will associate with the wife of a good man (or of a high class woman).

If the lords of the 7th, the 6th and the 2nd houses be conjoined with a malefic and occupy the 2nd, the same effect should be declared but in various forms – that is, intrigues with good women, illicit connections with them, eating prohibited food, etc.

If lords of the 3rd, 7th, 4th and 10th houses be associated with the lord of the Ascendant and be posited in nay house, the native should be declared to have been begotten by the mother through her congress with one other than the lawful husband.

  1. If (a) the lord of the Ascendant and Mercury or (b) Mars and the Moon be in any house conjoined with Rahu or Ketu, the native becomes afflicted with white leprosy.

If the Sun be associated with Mars and Saturn, the native concerned will be afflicted with black leprosy.

If the lord of the Ascendant be conjoined with the Sun and posited in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house, the native will be afflicted with goiter and other excrescence’s of the neck, caused through heat.

  1. If the lord of the Ascendant in conjunction with the Moon occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house, the native will have goiter.

If with Mars in such a position (conjunct lord of Ascendant in a Dusthana), the native will suffer from a swelling or wounds inflicted through (surgery) with a weapon.

If with Jupiter, the native will suffer from constipation or indigestion; it will be consumption if the planet conjoining with the lord of the Ascendant be Venus.

If any one of the remaining three viz., Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, in conjunction with the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th, the person concerned will suffer from some affliction or disease caused by a thief or a Chandala.

8-9. If the Moon in conjunction with Mars and Saturn occupy Aries or Taurus, the person will be afflicted with white leprosy.

If Venus, Mars, the Moon and Saturn conjoin together in Pisces, Kataka or Scorpio, the person concerned will be devoid of good health, will commit gross sinful deeds and afflicted with red leprosy.

If Jupiter or Venus happen to be the lord of the 6th house, occupy the Ascendant and be aspected by malefics, the person concerned will suffer from facial tumours.

If the three houses signified by Pisces, Kataka and Scorpio be occupied by malefics, the native will be afflicted with long-standing leprosy spread over all his body in spider-like forms.

If Jupiter occupy the 12th house, the person born will suffer from acute troubles in the anus.

If Mars and Saturn be posited in the 12th or the 6th house, the native will suffer from ulcer.

  1. If Saturn and the Moon in conjunction with a malefic occupy any one of the signs Aries, Kataka, Capricorn, Scorpio identical with the 9th house, the person concerned will be lame.

If Mars should aspect with his 7th glance the Moon and Saturn posited in the Ascendant, the native will be a bit void of intelligence. If Mars be betwixt the Sun and the Moon, the same result should be declared.

  1. If the Moon occupy the Ascendant and Saturn endowed with power (i.e., owning strong Vargas) be posited in the 10th house and be aspected by Mercury with the 7th house glance, the person concerned will be highly intelligent.

If Mars and the Moon be posited in the Ascendant and aspected by Mercury with a full glance, the native will be lacking in intelligence. If the Moon and the lord of the Ascendant be aspected by Mars with a full glance, the same result should be declared.

12-13. If Mercury be in the Ascendant and the Sun and Saturn be posited (1) in their inimical house and be aspected by Mars (2) in a single house (identical with the 6th or in the same hemisphere, oriental or occidental – or – visible or invisible and be devoid of benefic aspect, the native will have lost his intelligence.

If the Sun owns the 6th and be conjoined with a malefic and be in the 4th, the person will suffer from heart disease.

If Saturn or Jupiter own the 6th and be in conjunction with a malefic in the 4th, the native will suffer from bilious complaints and trembling or be troubled by the wicked.

If Mars, Saturn and Jupiter be posited in the 4th house, the person will have heart-disease and will invariably suffer from troublesome wounds in the body.

When Mars, occupies the 4th, the Sun, Mercury and Rahu are in the 5th and Saturn is posited in the 8th in any nativity, the person concerned will suffer much misery.

  1. If Mars posited in his own house aspects the Ascendant, the person born will be a coward; the same result should be declared when Saturn in the case of a night-birth is in the 10th house.

If Mars occupy the Ascendant, the person concerned will cause discord among his relations.

If Mars be in the 7th without occupying any of his Vargas, the native will be of a good physique; he will further take great interest in war-fare and will be of a very rude and fiery temperament.

15-16. If Mars and Mercury aspect each other by the 7th glance, the person born will be tall.

If the Moon be aspected by Saturn, the Sun and Mars, the native will be sluggish in disposition.

If the waning Moon be conjoined with Mars, the native will do sinful deeds and he will be hot-tempered.

If Mercury posited in the Ascendant should aspect Jupiter by his 7th glance or if Mars and Mercury occupy the 9th house, the person concerned will be intent on producing mirth and ridicule.

If Mars and Mercury be posited in a Rashi owned by Saturn or be aspected by Saturn, the person concerned will be clever in pleasing the sovereign and learned men.

If the Moon posited in a Dusthana aspect Venus, the native will be a wondering nature.

If Mars, Mercury and the Moon be aspected by a strong planet, the person will become inspired with the power of speech.

  1. If Venus and Mercury occupy the 7th, 8th and 10th house, the person born will be an adulterer. Venus, and Mars when posited in the 7th, 8th and 10th houses, or the 10th and 4th houses, produce the same result. Venus occupying the 10th house reckoned from the Moon or the 4th house counted from Saturn, causes the same result. A similar effect should be declared when, Venus occupying his sign, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are posited in the 7th and 10th houses.
  2. 18. If Saturn should occupy a house which is prior to that occupied by the Moon or Venus, or if the Moon and Venus posited in the Ascendant aspect Saturn, the person born will become subject to ill-fame or disgrace.

If Saturn in conjunction with the Sun be posited in the 4th Kendra, or if Saturn be aspected by Venus and the Moon, or if Saturn be aspected by Venus and the Moon, or if the Sun be eclipsed (if there be Solar eclipse), the native will be put to disgrace by being deprived of his generating organ.

  1. If at a birth, Venus be posited in a sign owned by Mars, the person concerned will never be able to give satisfaction to his partner (in the matter of sexual enjoyment). If the lord of the Ascendant occupying his own Rashi should aspect Venus posited in the 7th house, then too, the native will not be able to satisfy his partner. The Moon in conjunction with Saturn when occupying the 10th or the 4th place reckoned from Mars produces the same result.
  2. If Venus happening to own the 6th house from the Ascendant be conjoined with Mars, the person concerned will be lustful; and this will be all the more when he is aspected by a malefic.

If Venus be posited in his own Rashi or in Gemini, the native will be infatuated by love.

If Saturn occupy Dhanus or Taurus, identical with the Ascendant, the person concerned will not have much sexual desire.

21-23. Saturn in Capricorn makes the native taciturn (man of few words).

If the Moon owning the 6th house be posited in the invisible hemisphere and be conjoined with a malefic, the person concerned will have a mark or spot in his two eyes.

When the waning Moon is not aspected by Venus, but is aspected by Saturn, or when the Moon posited in his own Rashi is aspected by malefics occupying the 10th or the 7th house, the person born will surely be weak-sighted.

If Mars or the lord of the 8th house occupy the Ascendant and be also aspected by Jupiter or by Venus, the person concerned will be one-eyed.

If Mars be in front of the Sun, the native’s sight will be luster-less; if Mercury be in such a position, there will be a spot in the eye.

If Venus be in the 1st or the 8th house and be aspected by a malefic, there will be eye-trouble due to flow of tears.

If Mars and the Moon be conjoined (in a single house and) in the same degree, there will be a spot in the eyes.

Thus should the wise predict after weighing the strength of the concerned planets (causing the yoga). If the Sun occupy the 12th, the 9th or the 5th house and be aspected by strong malefics, the person will be high-minded, but possessed of very defective eyes; Saturn (in the Sun’s stead) under the above condition will make the person sickly.

  1. If Saturn occupying the 4th house aspect the Moon posited in a Prishtodaya sign, and the lord of the Ascendant be in Aries, the person born will be short in stature.

If the Moon occupying a water-resorting sign be in the 2nd house or be conjoined with Saturn and the Sun be in the Ascendant, the person born will suffer from leprosy.

  1. If the Moon happening to be the lord of the 6th house be aspected by malefics and has no benefic aspect, the person born will suffer from enlargement of the spleen.

The result will be similar (enlargement of the spleen) when the Moon owns the 7th or the 1st house and is aspected by malefics.

If Saturn occupying the 4th house , the person born will lose his sight.

If Saturn owns the Ascendant and be afflicted by the conjunction or aspect of malefics, the native will be bereft of happiness.

If Saturn should occupy the Ascendant, the person will suffer from enlargement of the spleen and will have no pleasure or joy.

  1. If in a nativity the malefics occupy the Kendras, the person concerned will be defective of some limb. If the two luminaries- the Sun and the Moon – be both posited in Kendras, or if Saturn should cast glance on Venus (posited) in the Ascendant, the person will have some defect in any one of the limbs near the loins or buttocks.

If Venus be in the 4th house and Saturn, Mars or Mercury be conjoined with Jupiter in any house, the person will be defective of some limb near the hips, arms or the feet.

27-28. If the lords of the 8th and 9th houses be conjoined with a malefic, and are placed in the 4th house reckoned from a malefic, the person will have crippled thighs or shanks. If Rahu or the Sun be conjoined with Mars and Saturn and be posited in the 6th, the same effect should be declared. Similarly, if Saturn and the lord of the 6th be posited in the 12th and aspected by malefics, the same result follows.

The Sun, Moon and Saturn, if posited in the 6th and the 8th, will produce pain in the hand.

If Saturn combined with Venus be in the 10th, the native will be impotent. If Saturn be posited in the 12th or the 6th house reckoned from Venus, the result will be more so.

The Moon in Leo aspecting Mars in the 7th will make the native one-eyed; and the Sun in Kataka casting his glance at Mars in the 7th produces the same effect. Similarly, the lord of the 9th occupying any one of the Rasis-Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn will bring about the same result.

  1. The following are six planetary yogas tending severally to the production of a eunuch:

(1) The Sun and the Moon in opposition and therefore mutually aspecting.

(2) Saturn and Mercury in opposition and so mutually aspecting.

(3) Mars aspecting the Sun stationed an even sign.

(4) Mars aspecting the Ascendant and the Moon both being in an odd sign.

(5) The Moon and Mercury in odd and even signs being aspected by Mars.

(6) Venus, the Moon and the Ascendant occupying Rashis (or Navamsha) belonging to odd signs.

  1. If Venus combined with Mars occupy the 8th house, the native will have enlarged scrotum owning to the vitiation of the humor (Vata = wind); similar result will be produced form the earth when Venus conjoins with Mars and is posited in the house of Mars.

Persons at whose birth Venus and the Moon are posited in a sign of Mars and are aspected by Jupiter and Saturn will invariably have enlarged scrotum from the time of conception.

  1. Dhanus, Taurus or Aries be the Ascendant and be aspected by malefics the person born will have irregular teeth.

He will have a bald head in whose birth Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Capricorn or Aquarius (sings ruled by malefics), or Dhanus or Taurus is rising and is aspected by malefics.

If all the malefics be posited in the 9th, 2nd, 12th and the 5th houses, the man will suffer imprisonment. Should in the above case Aries, Dhanus or Taurus be rising, he will further be put in chains or bound by ropes.

  1. If Venus occupy a house of Saturn, the person’s body will emit foul smell. The same effect should be predicted (1) when the lord of the 6th house occupies a sign owned by Mercury (Gemini or Virgo) or Capricorn; or (2) when Venus occupying a sign of Mercury is conjoined with that planet and is in a Kendra; or (3) when Venus and Saturn are posited in their own Trimsamsas. Similarly foul smell will be emitted from the face of the native when the Moon occupies Aries identical with the Ascendant.
  2. Thus should astrologers predict, after a careful deliberation with a keen intellect the good and bad effects arising at the birth of persons from the combination of planets which are capable of giving both auspicious and inauspicious results.
  3. In this beautiful work named Jatakalankara, the chapter on Yogas has thus been composed with 33 charming verses by Ganesha, the learned astrologer, for the delectation of the wise.

Chapter 4

Visha Kanya Adhyaya

  1. A girl born (1) in the asterisms Ashlesha, Krittika and Satabhisha, (2) in the week days – Sunday, Saturday and Tuesday and (3) in the Bhadra Tithis – i.c., Dwitiya, Saptami and Dwadasi – is termed a Visha Virgo when (1), (2) and (3) synchronously combine. That girl will be a Visha Virgo in whose nativity two benefics are in the Ascendant, one malefic in the 10th and two other malefics are in the 6th.
  2. Note the following combinations: (1) Saturday, Ashlesha and Dwitiya; (2) Tuesday, Saptami and Satabhisha; (3) Sunday, Dwadasi and Visakha. If a girl be born in any one of these combinations, she will be a Visha Virgo.

Mars in the 9th, Saturn in the Ascendant and the Sun in the 5th in the nativity of a girl make her a Visha Virgo.

  1. If the lord of the 7th house reckoned from the Ascendant or the Moon occupy the 7th, the yoga words off (1) the evil termed Visha, (2) childlessness and (3) widowhood. The same result would follow if benefic planet should occupy the 7th house reckoned form the Ascendant or the Moon.
  2. Thus has been described the chapter on Visha Virgo by Sri Ganesha in three well-chosen verses in this beautiful work – Jatakalankara- composed in pleasing verses for the edification of the learned.

Chapter 5

Ayurdaya Adhyaya

  1. The extent of one’s life is the basis on which depend all predications about (one’s) his career in this world, just as nectar is to the Gods. Thus declare the ancients. I am therefore dealing with the subject of one’s longevity.
  2. If the lord of the Ascendant be possessed of superior strength and be aspected by benefics occupying Kendra position, the person born will be endowed with all good qualities, prosperity, wealth and a long lease of life.

Benefics posited in Kendras, the Moon in her own or exaltation Rashi and the lord of the Ascendant strong, will confer a lease of sixty years of life on the native concerned.

  1. If the benefics be posited in Kendra houses, Jupiter be in the Ascendant, and the 8th house whether reckoned from the Ascendant or from the Moon be free from the association or aspect of malefics, the native concerned will live for 70 years.

If benefics occupy their Moola-Trikona Rashis, Jupiter be in his exaltation Rashi and the lord of the Ascendant be exceedingly strong, the person concerned will live up to 80 years.

4-5. If Mercury possessed of strength occupy a Kendra position, and the 8th house be vacant (without any planet occupying it), the person born will live for 30 years. But if the 8th house be aspected by a benefic planet, the native will live for 10 more years.

If Jupiter occupy his own Rashi and decanate, the native will live for 27 years.

If the Moon should be posited in her own Rashi or in the Ascendant, and a benefic planet be in the 7th bhava, the native will live for 60 years.

If benefics occupy the 5th and 9th houses, and the Ascendant happen to be a centipede sign with Jupiter in it the person concerned will have a lease of 80 years of life.

If the lord of the 8th house occupy the 9th, the lord of the Ascendant be in the Ascendant and the planet (if any) in the 8th be aspected by a malefic, the native will live for only 27 years.

If the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house be posited in the 8th, the lease of life will be 27 years.

With Mars and Jupiter in the Ascendant and aspected by the Moon and with another planet posited in the 8th, the person concerned will live for 22 years.

  1. With the Ascendant and the Moon devoid of the association of malefics, Jupiter in the Ascendant, the 8th house vacant and a benefic posited in a Kendra, the native will live for 70 years.

If Venus and Jupiter occupy Kendras, the person will live 100 years.

Jupiter in Kataka identical with the Ascendant, Venus is a Kendra will confer on the native 100 years lease of life.

  1. When malefics occupy houses other than 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th; when assign of Jupiter is the lagna; when Venus or Jupiter is posited in a Kendra; and when the 9th and the 8th are aspected by benefics, the native will live for 100 years.

If the 8th house whether reckoned from the Ascendant or the Moon be unoccupied, and Venus and Jupiter be strong, the person concerned will live the full life (100) years).

If benefics occupy their own Rashis and the Moon be in in her own exaltation Rashi identical with the Ascendant, the native will live for 60 years.

8-9. If the latter half of Dhanus be rising, all the planets be in their exaltation and Mercury has attained 24 degrees in Taurus, the native will live the full period of life.

If Venus and Jupiter be in Kendra houses and the Moon in the 11th, then too, the period of life will be full.

If Venus occupy Pisces identical with Ascendant, the Moon be in 8th and aspected by a benefic and Jupiter be in a Kendra, the person concerned will live for 100 years.

If the lord of the Ascendant be in the 8th, the Moon in the 10th and Jupiter be strong and all the other planets occupy the 9th, the native will live 100 years. The same result will be the case when Kataka is rising; the Moon and Jupiter are posited in the 3rd, 6th or 11th and Venus and Mercury occupy Kendra positions.

If the Sun, Mars and Saturn occupy Kendra positions and are posited in Jupiter’s Navamshas, Jupiter be in the Ascendant and the rest be in houses other than the 8th, the native will live for 85 years.

10-11. If malefics posited in benefic Navamshas occupy Upachaya houses but in a condition of fright (in depression), and benefics be in Kendra houses, the person concerned will live 120 years. If (in a Deerghayur yoga) the lord of the Ascendant and Mars have gone to the 8th house, the native will not have the full period life.

Should the lord of the Ascendant and Jupiter be posited in Kendras and malefics occupy places other than the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, the person concerned will live the full period.

Should the lord of the Ascendant and Jupiter be posited in Kendras and malefics occupy places other than the 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, the person concerned will live the full period.

If malefics occupy the 9th and 4th houses and benefics be placed in Jupiter’s Navamshas or even Rashis or even Navamshas, or are posited in the 12th and the 2nd houses and the Moon be full and occupy the Ascendant, the native will live for 100 years and be blessed with every kind of prosperity.

The lord of the lagna conjoined with a benefic and posited in the lagna and the lord of the 8th unaspected by any planet will cause the native live for 20 years.
If the lord of the 8th be posited in a Kendra and the lord of the Ascendnat is weak, the native will live for 30 years.

12-13. If the Moon and the lord of the Ascendant be without strength, occupy apoklima houses and be aspected by malefics, the person will live for 32 years.

If Sun be in the ascendant and betwixt two malefics, the native’s life will be 31 years.

If the Moon and Mars occupy Kataka identical with the Ascendnat and the ast and 10th houses be void of any planet, then too, the lease of life will be 3 years.

If the lord of the 8th be posited in the Ascendant and there be no benefic planet in the 8th, the person concerned will live 40 years.

If the lord of the Ascendant occupy the 8th and the lord of the latter house be in the Ascendant, the native will live for 5 years.

If the Sun or Saturn occupy Capricorn identical with the 3rd or 6th and the lord of the 8th be in a Kendra, the life of the person concerned will be 44 years.

If benefics occupy Rashi or Navamsha owned by benefics, the native will live for 30 years.

  1. If the lord of the Ascendant be aspected by malefics, if the benefics be possessed of strength, and if the Moon occupy any benefic varga, the person concerned will live for 73 years.

If malefics occupy the 8th house reckoned from the Moon in a day-birth, the person will have medium life.

If Saturn be in a dual sign identical with the Ascendant and the lords of both the 12th and the 8th houses be devoid of strength, the native concerned will live for 25 years.

15-17. If the Ascendant be Kataka and the Sun occupy it, the Moon in conjunction with a malefic be in the 10th, and Jupiter be in a Kendra the lease of life will be 55 years.
If Mercury be posited in the 10th or the 4th and the Moon be in the 12th, the 8th or the 1st house and if Jupiter and Venus be conjoined (in any house), the person born will live for 50 years.

If the lord of the Ascendant be strong and Moon associated with him be posited in a Dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th), and the lord of the Ascendant be in a Navamsha owned by Saturn, the life of the native will be 58 years.

If benefics occupy houses other than the 8th and the lord of the Ascendant be in a Dusthana in conjunction with a malefic, the person will live for 60 years.
If all the planets be in the 5th house, the person concerned will live for 60 years.
If the Sun be in the Ascendant in conjunction with one of his enemies or with Mars, if Jupiter be devoid of strength and if the Moon be posited in the 12th or the 5th, the native will live for 70 years.

If all the planets b in the 9th, the person concerned will live his full life period that is 120 years and 5 days.

If all the planets be posited in Kendra and in Navamshas owned by malefics, the native will live for 80 years.

If malefic planets occupy malefic Rashis and benefics be in benefic ones and if the lord of the Ascendant be strong, the native will live the full period.

If all the planets be in the 5th house, the person concerned will live for 60 years.

  1. When the last or the initial portion of Carpicorn (Leo?) is rising and all the benefics are posited in Kendras, the lease of life will be 100 years.

If all benefics occupy the 8th, 3rd and 4th houses, the person concerned will be long lived.

If lord of the 8th whether reckoned from the Ascendnat or from the Moon bein 12th or in a Kendra, the person will live for 28 years.

When Kendras are void of benefics and when the 8th house is occupied, the native will live for 30 years.

19-20. When the Moon is waning, when a malefic planet occupies the 8th house, when the lord of the 8th is in a Kendra and when the lord of the Ascendant is weak, the person concerned will live for 20 years.

If benefics occupy Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses) and Saturn and Moon are posited in the 6th and 8th, the life of the native will be 20 years.

If two malefics occupy the 2nd, 8th or 12th and not be conjoined with Rahu or the Moon, the person concerned will have 20 years’ lease of life.

If the Sun and Saturn occupy Kendra houses and Mars be in the Ascendant the native will live for 20 years.

If Venus and Jupiter be in the Ascendant, Mars occupy the 5th along with another malefic, the person concerned will be short lived.

If the lord of the Rashi occupied by the Moon be in the Ascendant along with the Sun and be also conjoined with or aspected by another planet whether malefic or benefic, the person concerned will be short lived.

  1. The Ayus should be declared which ahs been declared previously by great astrologers as derivable from definite planetary combinations will apply fully only to people who rigidly adhere to the rules of good conduct.
  2. This Ayus should be declared by intelligent astrologers for persons who are noted for their virtuous conduct, after weighing the relative strength of the several planets.
  3. In this work named Jatakalankara, the chapter on Ayurdaya consisting of 22 charming verses has been beautifully composed by Ganesha, the learned astrologer, for the delectation of the wise.

Chapter 6

Bhava Adhyaya

  1. If the lords of the Ascendant and the 2nd house exchange places, the person born will be wealthy, intelligent and noted for good behavior. He will perform excellent meritorious acts, will possess a strong constitution and be prone to enjoyment.

If the lords of the Ascendant and the 3rd house mutually exchange their places the person concerned will have a weak constitution, will be blessed with good relatives and will be honoured by the sovereign. He will make his relations happy and will have maternal kinsmen.

  1. If the lord of the 4th house be in the Ascendant and the lord of the Ascendant in the 4th, the person concerned will be of a forgiving disposition, will obey his father’s commands, will engage himself in state-affairs, will possess excellent qualities, will be intelligent, will have good elderly relation or preceptor, and will have a retinue to follow him.

If the lords of the 1st and the 5th houses exchange places, the native concerned will be high-minded, adorned with good learning, famous among his kinsmen, endowed with sacred knowledge and will be bent on keeping up his self-respect.

  1. If the lords of the 1st and 6th houses are mutually placed each in the other house, the person concerned will be free from sickness or diseases; he will be intent on constant malevolence, etc.; he will possess a strong constitution, will be wealthy and clever in the accumulation, of money.

If the lords of the 1st and the 7th houses be similarly situated, the native concerned will serve his father; he will be lustfully inclined, and will be a servant to his wife’s brother.

  1. If the lord of the 1st house occupy the 8th and the lord of the latter be in the Ascendant, the person concerned will be clever in gambling and will be valiant. He will be addicted to thieving, cheating, etc. He may come by his death through the sovereign’s ire or the attack of the public.

When the lords of the 1st and the 9th occupy each other’s house, the native will live in a foreign place, will be very intent on doing charitable and virtuous acts, will worship Gods and elders and will command the respect of the sovereign.

  1. If the lord of the 10th house be in the Ascendant and the lord of the latter in the 10th, the person born will be a king highly renowned for his beauty and acquisitions, intent on worshipping elders, very greedy and wealthy.

If the lord of the Ascendant be in the 11th house and the lord of the latter in the Ascendant, the person concerned will do virtuous deeds, will be long-lived and he will own lands, and good birds. He will further be a very learned man.

  1. If the lord of the Ascendant be in the 12th and the lord of the 12th occupy the Ascendant, the person born will be disliked by all, will be wanting in intelligence, will be extremely miserly, will destroy wealth and be very loose (in habits and morals).

Thus should predictions be made in the case of father and others also of the native by intelligent astrologers by constituting as the Ascendant the particular house indicated by the relative and the house succeeding it as the second third; etc., with respect to that house.

If Venus be conjoined with the lord of the Ascendant (in a house other than three Dusthanas), the native will command the respect of the sovereign.

  1. Thus have I composed this dignified and charming work, Jatakalankara, in which the effects (caused by the planets) can be easily divined, in 110 verses, according to my capabilities, for the delectation of the astrologers.
  2. Let this refined utterance of mine about horoscopes which is based on the planets transiting in the sky and is the quintessence of horoscopy sport in your simple mind, like the spotless swan in the lake Manias.
  3. In this work named Jatakalankara the sixth chapter on Bhavas consisting of 8 charming verses has been composed by the learned Ganesha for the delectation of the wise.

Chapter 7

Vansha Adhyaya

  1. There lived in this Globe a great learned man, Kanhajee, by name, a Mahendra among astrologers, a repository of the Vedas and the codes of laws, and an ornament to the assembly of the learned; he was shining like the morning lustre in the court of the Guzerat king who was very powerful in conquering his enemies and he was an ornament to the entire race of poets at the time.
  2. He belonged to the great Bharadwaja family and had three sons. The eldest Suryadasha, became a great and intelligent astrologer. His next younger brother, Gopal by name, became well-versed in all the arts; and the brother next to him Ramakrishna by name, became the best of astrologers.
  3. In the month of Bhadrapada in Salivahana Saka 1535 (1613 AD) the talented Ganesha, the son of Gopal, himself composed this fine astrological work for the satisfaction of his preceptor Siva in Bradhnapura. He was well-versed in metrical science (prosody) poetics, poetry, drama and the arts, and was a disciple of Siva and was also the repository of mathematical knowledge.
  4. May those astrologers who are going to pursue this work be long lived and happy; and may their good fame, white as the Kairava (white lotus) and Kunda flowers, spread in all quarters.
  5. In this work named Jatakalankara the 7th Adhyaya on the ‘author’s parentage’ has been composed in four charming verses for the delectation of the wise.

Thus ends the 7th Adhyaya in the work Jatakalankara.